Good News! 335 PT GEB Employees Receive Covid-19 Vaccine, Indriati: Health Protocol Discipline Still Implemented

JAKARTA - Hundreds of employees at PT General Energy Bali (GEB) PLTU Celukan Bawang, Gerokgak District received the COVID-19 vaccine, Sunday, April 11 yesterday. This vaccination was carried out by medical personnel from the Tanguwisia Primary Hospital, Seririt District.

General Affair of PT GEB PLTU Celukan Bawang, Indriati Tanu Tanto, said the hundreds of employees came from several fields of work, ranging from staff to operational personnel.

"Those who get the vaccine are all employees who work at PLTU Celukan Bawang, a total of 335 employees who have registered (received the vaccine). But 20 of them failed due to hypertension, comorbidities, and coughs", said Indri when contacted by VOI, Monday, April 12.

PLTU Celukan Bawang Employees Receive COVID Vaccines

Indri added, 137 employees from China will also be vaccinated. However, they will consult with state consulates in Indonesia.

"We are fortunate that we can vaccinate employees earlier because it is to maintain the peace of employees at work. This is also to maintain the stability of electricity in Bali, which can be maintained because all employees are in good health", she explained.

Even though they have vaccinated PT GEB employees remain disciplined in implementing health protocols, starting from washing hands, maintaining distance, and wearing masks. So far, PT GEB is listed as a company that is sterile from the COVID-19 outbreak.

"With this vaccination, it will better maintain the health of employees and at least keep their immune system well", she said.

Covid Vaccination at PLTU Celukan Bawang

In line with Indri, the Head of Tanguwisia Primary Hospital, Dr. Ketut Parining added that his party sent 23 medical personnel to vaccinate with a total of 330 vials of vaccine.

"Vaccination in this private company is one of several public service companies that have been vaccinated", said Ketut Parining.