Coordinating Minister For Food Zulhas: Next Year, Salt Imports Can No Longer Be Consumption
Zulhas, as he is familiarly called, said that the provisions were contained in the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 126 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of National Settlement Development.
"Now the third is from the Minister of Maritime Affairs because the responsibility is part of the salt, we must be self-sufficient. And next year we cannot import salt for consumption anymore, it is regulated by Presidential Regulation 126. So it is no longer allowed, so the responsibility is big," said Zulhas after the Coordination Meeting in Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.
Zulhas said that not only consumption salt, the government will also prohibit imports of industrial salt from 2027. Therefore, he also reminded the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggoro to ensure that Indonesia no longer imports salt.
For your information, the task of fulfilling domestic consumption salt will be given to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono.
"And in two years it will be borne by the Minister of Marine Affairs as well as for industrial salt it must be able to produce it yourself. It's hard," said Zulhas.
Furthermore, Zulhas said that the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries would also coordinate with the Coordinating Ministry for Food and the relevant ministries regarding the need for salt for the industry. This is to pursue the targets and rules for prohibiting industrial salt imports in two years.
"Therefore, everything related to salt that has been regulated by the commodity balance of the responsibility of the Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs, the technical minister will later provide a kind of verification for this salt issue," said Zulhas.
"Meanwhile (Minister) of Industry will convey how much is needed, but the responsibility of the Minister of Marine Affairs if next year we do not import consumption salt, then in two years we will come here again sir, we cannot import salt for industry," he continued.