Be Careful! Hackers Try To Access Your Apple Account This Way
JAKARTA All iPhone users must be careful because a number of criminals are using Apple's name to spread phishing emails. This is done to steal user account credentials.
This fraud scheme is very worrying because cybercriminals are trying to convince victims that their Apple ID accounts are being suspended due to a problem. This criminal also includes a link to verify the account.
When tapped, users will be asked to enter their name and password so that criminals can access the digital wallet on the device. In addition, other pages that appear will steal login information and authentication of two user factors.
According to a Dailymail report, hackers are taking advantage of Black Friday celebrations and Cyber Monday shopping offers so that iPhone users are not suspicious of the emails they receive. Hackers also try to urge users by giving them 24 hours.
This scheme managed to deceive some iPhone users because the emails used were like Apple's official email. However, it should also be noted that punctuations and grammar of hackers are usually not so good if they don't take advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The easiest thing is to look at the domain. If the email received doesn't end in '', this email needs to be ignored. Apple also confirmed that they never asked users to access any website and ask for a user password.
"Apple will never ask you to log into any website, or tap Accept in two-factor authentication dialogue, or provide a password, device code, or two-factor authentication code or enter it into any website," Apple said via its official website.
Unfortunately, some people may have been deceived by this hacking method. If users realize that their account has been compromised by a cybercriminal or they have clicked on the link without realizing it, the Apple account password must be changed immediately.
"If you are sure that your Apple Account has been compromised, or if you may have entered your password or other personal information on the scam website, immediately change your Apple Account password and make sure the authentication of two factors is enabled," Apple explained.