When Blind People Vote in the 2024 South Sumatra Regional Election, Accompanied by KPPS and Utilizing Braille Templates

JAKARTA - Dozens of blind people in Palembang City were enthusiastic about exercising their right to vote and were helped by the Braille template provided by the KPU in the voting booth on the day of the 2024 Pilkada voting at TPS 19, Ilir Timur Tiga District, Palembang City, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Wednesday, November 27.

Head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) 19 Nuriadi said that the total number of voters at the TPS was 360 people. Meanwhile, there were 53 blind voters.

"All residents who are registered voters at this TPS are very enthusiastic about exercising their right to vote in the 2024 Pilkada, especially blind voters," he said when interviewed in Palembang, Wednesday, November 27, as quoted by Antara.

He explained that his party provided assistance to blind voters to ensure that the ballots they voted were valid. The TPS also provided a ballot template in Braille.

"Several blind voters were accompanied by their families. However, on average, these blind voters are accompanied by KPPS," he said.

Nuriadi said that his party did not experience significant obstacles when serving blind voters because they already had experience from the 2024 Election.

"There are no obstacles in serving these blind voters, because we already have experience from the 2024 Election," he said.

Agus Palsa, one of the blind voters at TPS 19, said that the facilities for blind voters this year have improved from the previous year. This is because the Braille template is easier to use.

"The only obstacle is access to the voting booth for us," he said.

He hopes that the leaders who are elected later will pay attention to the rights of people with disabilities, especially access to roads and public transportation so that they are more independent.

"We also hope for an inclusive disability education program. So, every school and college is expected to be able to accept people with disabilities, because currently not all colleges accept students with disabilities," said Agus.