Deputy Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Says RI Needs IDR 1,000 Trillion For Electricity In The Next 10 Years

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Yuliot Tanjung revealed, Indonesia needs at least IDR 1,000 trillion for the electricity system in the next 10 years.

He detailed that this amount will be used to build electricity infrastructure in the form of transmission and power plants.

"For the needs of power plants for the next 10 years, we need an investment of around Rp600 trillion. As for the network, we need an investment of around Rp400 trillion. So later for each stage, we will try to detail it later," said Yuliot when met at JCC, Wednesday, November 20.

Yuliot added that the addition of this plant needs to be done because it is in line with the increasing demand for electricity from year to year. For this reason, he considered that there was a need for additional power plants with an investment value of Rp. 400 trillion.

"For the generator, for the next 10 years, yes, we already have a plan. That will be conveyed by the Director General of Electricity," added Yuliot.

He further said that currently his party is conducting discussions regarding parties that will carry out the process of adding power plants. The government considers that the addition will be carried out by PLN or will be carried out by partners and the government.

"So how about for the details, whether the implementation is carried out by PLN, or done by Mitra, or also partly will be carried out by the government, it is also being calculated," explained Yuliot.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Electricity, Jisman P Hutjulu, said that within the next 10 years, Indonesia will build a power plant with a capacity of 68 Giga Watt (GW).

The 47 GW generators came from a New Renewable Energy Source (EBT)

"We are preparing a new RUPTL, more intensively to discuss between the government and PLN. So in the next 10 years we will build 68 GW, 47 GW from Renewable," said Jisman.