The Attorney General's Office Must Cap The Circular Of Broker Money In The Case Of Ex-Ma Official Zarof Ricar

JAKARTA - Researcher from the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (Pukat) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Zaenur Rohman said the Attorney General's Office (AGO) must reveal the flow of money belonging to former Supreme Court (MA) official Zarof Ricar (ZR) who allegedly came from the results of the case broker as a whole.

"From the aspect of criminal law, the prosecutor must reveal this thoroughly. Don't just localize it in Zarof Ricar. It's money from anyone, it's been given to anyone, related to any cases," Zaenur said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 19.

ZR is a suspect in the alleged conspiracy to bribe the Gregorius Ronald Tannur case at the cassation level. According to Zaenur, the flow of money received by ZR must be fully disclosed regardless of the results of the examination by the Supreme Audit Team, stated that Ronald Tannur's cassation panel did not violate the code of ethics.

"This is of course a very large job which should also be done seriously by the prosecutor's office until it is complete. Do certain names have to be investigated? If it is related to the case, it must be. To what extent do these names have a connection, it is the duty of investigators to reveal it," he said.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Audit Team stated that the cassation panel Ronald Tannur, namely Supreme Court Justice Soesilo (S), Ainal Mardhiah (A), and Sutarjo (ST), were not proven to have violated the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Judges (KEPPH).

The examination team admitted that ZR had met in Makassar with Supreme Court Justice S as chairman of the cassation assembly. During the brief meeting, ZR had mentioned about Ronald Tannur's cassation case, but S did not give a response.

Meanwhile, related to Supreme Court Justices A and ST, the Supreme Audit Team concluded that ZR had never met and did not know the two. Therefore, the Supreme Court decided to close the examination of alleged ethical violations to the cassation panel of Ronald Tannur.

In this regard, Zaenur highlighted the composition of the Supreme Audit Team. According to him, the team was only filled with internal MA because it was chaired by the Chairman of the MA Supervision Room Dwiarso Budi Santiarto with members of Supreme Court Justices Jupriyadi and Noor Edi Yono.

"Indeed, there is a record, yes, for the team formed by the Supreme Court because this is a team formed by their own internals, so that the public can have doubts whether this team really completely dismantles the Zarof Ricar judicial mafia network," added Zaenur.

According to Zaenur, the Supreme Court should have formed a team containing various elements, such as the Judicial Commission and legal experts. This is to ensure the independence of the examination.

"The goal is not to enforce criminal law, but to examine this legal mafia network and also how this legal mafia works, so that in the future changes can be made, improvement programs so that they do not happen again in the future," he said.