When Will Ahok Stop Premium Gasoline? It's A Policy To Be Realized

JAKARTA - The discourse on the elimination of premium fuel oil (BBM) is getting brighter after the President Commissioner (Komut) of PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) raised his voice.

However, according to Ahok, the premium elimination policy is still the full authority of the government, not Pertamina.

"I don't know, we have to ask the minister, we just run it", Ahok told the media crew while at the official house of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka Loji Gandrung, Wednesday, April 7.

Replacing Premium with Pertalite or Pertamax

Although it is not yet clear when it will be abolished, Ahok urged the public to leave Premium and replace it with Pertalite or Pertamax, the reason being that it has better quality.

"That we just made a blue sky program, to invite the public to educate to leave premium", he explained.

Reducing Premium Supply in the City

Related to the policy that will be carried out by Pertamina, according to Ahok, they will reduce the Premium supply in cities slowly. It is expected that the policy will make people will replace Premium with other types.

Gas stations in major cities no longer sell Premium. (Photo: Pertamina)

Ahok gave an example of premium usage in Central Java which began to decrease. According to him, this is due to public awareness of the environmental and economic effects.

"We do it gradually, but in Central Java, there are only a few people still using the Premium one. From the environment and from the economic side, Pertamax is better and more efficient", he said.

Blue Sky Program

On the same occasion, Ahok explained that Pertamina has now issued a policy of "Langit Biru (Blue Sky)" to invite people to leave Premium gas.

The program is intended for the good of the environment and reduces pollution due to the use of Premium. "The quality (premium) is not good", explained Ahok.

The promo was conducted by Pertamina in Jakarta in the framework of the Blue Sky Program. (Photo: Pertamina)

Premium No Longer In Circulation in Jakarta

Pertamina's consistency in relation to the implementation of the Blue Sky Program is also evidenced by the absence of Premiums in DKI Jakarta.

However, the policy cannot be applied simultaneously in all regions in Indonesia. Ahok explained that some other areas are still in need.

The economic condition of the community is the reason the government and Pertamina do not stop the sale of Premium in some regions in Indonesia. "That's why it's (limited) gradually", Ahok said.

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