Bullying At Schools Needs Special Attention To Realize The 2045 Golden Generation

JAKARTA - The problem of bullying in schools can hinder the government in realizing Indonesia's Golden Generation in 2045.

According totenuh Fizzanty, Head of the Education Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the problem of bullying at this school needs special attention.

If an unfavorable condition is created for children to become a generation that feels comfortable at school, he warns of the bad effects of fighting them in the future.

"The problem of bullying is not playing games. This is the problem of our children which is our focus for 2045 to become a Golden Indonesia," said How come it was quoted by Antara.

Therefore, said fire, it is important for schools to create an environment and atmosphere that is not only comfortable but also safe and friendly for children so that they feel happy while participating in learning.

He explained that bullying is an aggressive behavior that is usually carried out repeatedly by the perpetrators to the victim. Bullying, both psychological and physical, arises because of non-equivalent social relations.

mengatakan, anak yang menjadi pelaku perbulguungan bisa jadi didorong faktor keluarga di mana dirinya mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama di dalam keluarganya. Faktor pendor juga dimungkinkan dari lingkungan sekolah di mana anak memandang teman-temannya lebih rendah dari dirinya.

To prevent children from becoming perpetrators of bullying,men emphasize the importance of inclusive education so that children understand the existence of social, economic, and physical diversity as part of the world that must be faced. In addition, character education needs to be internalized in depth so that the values of Pancasila can be applied by students in their daily lives.

"We need to find out what the cause or root of the problem is (which does not merely blame the child). So that later when handling it, we do not target something that then causes new problems or does not solve problems," he said.

In perpetrators of bullying with a higher relationship than the victim, such as teachers and lecturers,men emphasized the importance of building awareness about the professional code of ethics. In addition, there needs to be punishment or sanctions that provide a deterrent effect on adult actors.

This reminds that victims of bullying will experience psychological impacts that should not be underestimated, ranging from feelings of inferiority to feeling useless. This is certainly very dangerous.

Bullying is one of the forms of violence that has been presented in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 46 of 2023. Regarding prevention and handling, the regulation has also mandated the establishment of a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Violence (TPPK) within the education unit.

mengatakan peraturan tersebut harus betul-betul ditulami oleh semua pihak termasuk pihak sekolah, guru, tua tua, hingga pelajar. Dinas Pendidikan setempat juga memiliki peran untuk terus menyosialisasikan peraturan tersebut ke institution-institution pendidikan sehingga semua pihak bekerja sama untuk mencegah dan menyelesaikan masalah perundungan.

"Of course not only the Education Office. Actually, there are also many institutions that have a lot of attention to education. So, let's actually be able to socialize this together. Not just socialization, actually, we are building school institutions that are supported to solve and prevent bullying problems," said Triana.