According To Research, These Are The 8 Most Children Remembered Happy Memories

YOGYAKARTA Memories are not just memories that are remembered. But memories are interpreted and inspire perspectives, emotions, and beliefs for children. Happy memories also instill self-confidence, maintain creativity, and inspire talent. All three are beneficial for children to develop in their mature lives. It is important to remember by parents, creating happy memories for children should not be a tough task. The following is explained according to research on happy memories that are remembered by children.

There are many opportunities to discipline, correct, or rebuke children's behavior. Most children are emotionally strong, offset by positive feelings from their loved ones. Children describe good characters, such as generous, kind, forgiveness, and hard workers.

According to various studies, positive strengthening of good behavior in children can increase their motivation. You can take advantage of this opportunity by showing mibat to things that attract their attention. By paying attention to the positive things that children have, it can create a family atmosphere that their children remember and grow their resilience to become a positive force in the world.

Both adults and children, great moments will definitely be remembered. Including celebrating the achievements that children get. No matter how small your achievements are, you can give awards. Cups or medals can be displayed with pride. Because according to studies, celebrating achievements help children identify their uniqueness as individuals and understand why they are Special.

Ants can be worthless if they are allowed to pass just like that. But if this little thing is seen, the size and anatomy of the body are commented on, and how behavior is carried out in groups, this moment makes children impressed. For every child who grows up, new things are important every day. Whatever the little thing you see, it will be of great value to the children.

This activity is very simple, but if it is done regularly, it will become an unforgettable habit and memory. Children will remember any books and how interesting stories make their imagination soar. A report on six studies published in 2006 shows that reading books to your children can foster interaction and increase their vocabulary at the same time.

Enjoying meals with each important day in building long-lasting memories. It has an impact on children that families are caring for each other. A study reported by Timewell, Sunday, November 10, researches about families in Australia. The study reports that eating time between parents and children creates a perfect opportunity to improve health behavior among family members.

Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or casual dinner, it will be meaningful. The goal is not to remind what is eaten or when it occurs, but to make the children understand that eating with family is an inseparable part of that day.

Activities and actions that are often done are called traditions. Whether it's big or small, traditions need to be done consistently. The family tradition is always eternal in memory, even when children are adults. It could make every important event an annual moment but be made memorable and consistent every year, for example family vacations, camping, or visiting grandparents' homes.

Research from the University of Brermen describes the family tradition as a classical' memory community. Tradition is not only memorable but also strengthens family ties and connects many generations.

Coming fully when children want to share the story, it will have a big impact on them. Julie Morgenstern's productivity expert says it only takes 15 minutes but is consistent and intense to really share attention. This will have a significant positive impact on children and they will remember it to adulthood.

Playing with children is full of simplicity. Does not require abundant or expensive toys, but being equal, honest, and really playing can build long-lasting memories. According to a study, the age of 7-12 plays an important role in creating memories of playing. Apart from reading, playing with children helps strengthen the bond between parents and their children. In addition, this helps develop children to be more willing to listen to others

Those are eight happy memories that children to adults remember. In addition to creating bonds that are closely related to parents, the memories of happiness above are also useful in various aspects of your children's lives.