Homecoming Ban, 14 Central Java's Border Points Will Be Blocked To Prevent Travelers

SEMARANG - Central Java Police will block 14 interprovincial border points around the region related to the homecoming ban on Eid al-Fitr 2021.

Central Java Police's Traffic Director, Grand Commissioner Rudy Syafirudin, said that the sealing of travelers will be implemented from May 6 to 17.

"Vehicles from outside Central Java will be returned. Intercity vehicles are okay," he said.

But continued Rudy, there will be certain vehicles that will still be allowed to pass through. Later there will be some kind of permit issued by the local government.

In total there will be 86 sealing points consisting of 14 interprovincial points and 71 inter-district/city points.

For the border with West Java, the sealing was advanced at two points in Brebes and three in Cilacap. The border with East Java consists of two points in Sragen, as well as each point in Rembang, Blora, Karanganyar, and Wonogiri.

On the border with Yogyakarta, sealing is carried out in Klaten, Magelang, and Purworejo areas.