Be Careful, This Is The Bad Impact Of The Use Of Sha Caves On The Face
JAKARTA - Sha cave is a traditional Chinese medicine technique, which involves skin massage with a smooth angled device. This is usually done in the back, buttocks, arms, and feet area, to help increase blood circulation.
However, the sha cave is also used in the beauty world, precisely in the face and neck area, which provides many benefits to beauty. However, the use of the wrong sha cave can have some adverse impacts on the face, as below.
Launching the Medical News Today page, the sha cave is considered safe and does not cause pain. However, the use of this technique may change the appearance of the skin temporarily.
The use of a sha cave that rubs the skin on its device, allowing small blood vessels, namely capillaries near the surface of the skin to burst.
Red or purple bruises can appear on the face, if the face experiences minor bleeding after using the cave. The bruises usually take a few days to fade, it can even feel pain.
If you have bruises, protect the bruised area and don't touch it often. Kompres with warm water can also relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
Using cave sha excessively and carelessly can result in scratches on facial skin. Especially if the pressure put on the cave is too strong or facial skin is too sensitive.
The scratched skin can increase the risk of infection and irritation. Therefore, it is important to sterilize the cave's tools before and after using them, especially if they are used in vulnerable facial areas.
In addition, don't use the cave if there are wounds on the face that have not recovered, so as not to increase the risk of infection. Also make sure to use the appropriate pressure and gentle movement so that the skin is not damaged.