Isyana Sarasvati Invites DeadSquad To GAC For Lost In Harmony Concert

JAKARTA - Isyana Sarasvati is preparing to appear at the Lost in Harmony concert as part of her 10-year journey celebration in the Indonesian music industry. This concert will be held at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta on November 16.

In the concert later, the 31-year-old singers will present big names in the Indonesian music industry, including Afgan, DeadSquad, GAC, Mahalini, Rendy Pandugo, and Vidi Aldiano.

All mentioned above are the names close to Isyana, who has previously collaborated.

"They are people who have been on the journey of my musical career," said Isyana Sarasvati at SCBD, South Jakarta recently.

Even Isyana mentioned these names not only as collaborators, but also as friends outside the music world.

In addition, Isyana will also involve Avip Priatna who will lead the orchestra to accompany her on stage. He said the presence of the orchestra would make the performance even more magnificent.

"He (Avip) will conduct Jakarta Concert Orchestra, then there will be Batavia Madrid Singer and The Resonance Children's Choir. So it will be more magnificent in taste," said Isyana.

The Stay In The Soul singer ensured that the Lost in Harmony concert was a big celebration, because this performance was his dream as a musician.

"This is indeed one of my dreams, to be able to share my works with complete treats. Not only music and arrangements, but also all elements are carefully thought out," said Isyana.

"So I'm going to take this as a big celebration, happy-happy, moments of my catalyst. So I was like that when I was on stage, I really distributed everything," he said.