The Government Takes Over Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, The House Of Representatives Asks Not To Rise The Ticket Price

JAKARTA - Member of Commission X of the House of Representatives Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal claimed to support President Joko Widodo's policy of issuing Presidential Decree No. 19 of 2021 related to the takeover of the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII).

Thus, the cost of managing and increasing facilities in TMII becomes the responsibility of the government. Illiza urged the government not to raise the price of TMII admission.

"The government needs to improve services and facilities, but there is no need to increase TMII entrance fees because it will only burden the public to access affordable, quality, educational, and healthy tourist attractions", Illiza said in a statement, Thursday, April 8.

Then, according to him, the takeover should also not have an impact on the termination of the employment of TMII employees, both permanent employees, and those who are contracts.

Furthermore, TMII has been an affordable tourist location for the community. But Illiza said that nowadays many tourist attractions in it are not maintained and well maintained, so it cannot be functioned properly.

Therefore, the takeover of TMII by the government is expected to make all tourist attractions in it to be functional again and more and more support services for tourists.

"So that the attraction of TMII is getting bigger for the community, especially TMII does have its own attraction and uniqueness that is different from other tourist attractions in Indonesia and abroad", he continued.

As previously known, the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) took over the management of TMII from Harapan Kita Foundation, a foundation owned by the family of President Suharto.

"The point of mastery and management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is done by the Ministry of Finance and means that this also stops the management that has been done by Harapan Kita Foundation", said Minister of State Secretariat (Mensesneg) Pratikno.

He said that this decision was made through a long discussion and listened to the recommendations of a number of parties including the Audit Board of Finance (BPK).

"So Yayasan Harapan Kita has been managing this state-owned for almost 44 years, which is recorded in the Ministry of State Secretariat and we are obliged to make arrangements", he said.

In the future, this area of 1.467.704 square meters will be optimized with various functions. In addition to educational facilities, TMII will also be a playground or theme park with international standards.

"We will remain committed that this area becomes the preservation and development of the Nation's culture. Educational facilities that have the culture of the state as it has been run but need to be optimized can be an on-theme park area of international standard", he explained.

"But we are also minded to use existing facilities to be the center of innovation of the younger generation in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 today", he added.