Students Of SMPN 96 South Jakarta Win At Student Olympic Weeks Throughout Indonesia
JAKARTA - There will be no achievements without effort and never give up. According to the late Prof. BJ Habibie, success is not measured by what we have achieved, but from our efforts to achieve it.
Business is the key to success. This also applies to students throughout Indonesia.
In order to facilitate smart and talented students throughout Indonesia, Go Champion has held Student Olympic Weeks throughout Indonesia (POPSI) which will be held on September 10'30, 2024 and attended by junior high school/MTs and high school/vocational school/vocational school students from various provinces throughout Indonesia. In mid-October 2024, the best participants have been announced.
Considering that the Olympic participants were very competitive, finally Go Champion decided that the first place winner at the junior high school/MTs level at the national level was won by Kenzie Davidilah, a student at SMPN 96 South Jakarta. This achievement achievement has received a positive response from many parties. Drs. Triana Prawaningrum, Head of SMPN 96, gave appreciation to Go Champion for this prestigious event and was grateful that one of his students became the best at the national level.
As a form of appreciation for the achievements of the best students, Go Champion provides educational scholarships.
For information, Go Champion is an institution founded by national figure, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susanto, MA, former Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) for the 2017 period 2022. This institution is the organizer of national and international competition events as well as education related to stop bullying for students and teachers in schools and madrasas from various regions in Indonesia. For students who want to participate in the competition, they can access or Instagram @gojuara_official.