The Sub-district Head Car Was Often Involved By A Supriyani Teacher Who Was Accused Of Hitting A Damaged Police Child, Labfor Intervened
SULTRA - The Makassar Forensic Laboratory Team (Labfor) investigated the cause of the broken glass in the Baito sub-district head, which Supriyani often rides, an honorary teacher at SDN 4 Baito, South Konawe Regency (Konsel), Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Sat Reskrim) of the South Konawe Police, AKP Nyoman Gede Aryaani Putra, said that the Makassar Labfor team had dropped to find out the cause of the damage to the Baito sub-district head's car as a follow-up to the Southeast Sulawesi Police press conference.
"Today, according to the results of the release of the Head of Public Relations and the Director of General Crimes, the Labfor team has arrived from Makassar, totaling three personnel to conduct TKP processing," said Nyoman Gede when met in South Konawe, Tuesday, October 29, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said, in the implementation of the crime scene or crime scene conducted by the Makassar Labfor team in Baito District, it was escorted by local police officers to see firsthand the witness who is the Head of the Government Section of Baito District who is also the Acting Head of Herwan Malengga Village.
"Earlier, he reviewed the activities that were demonstrated directly by the Acting Village Head driver, where Dian heard voices such as throwing sand on zinc, and he stopped and got down, that was what was demonstrated in the ownership position where he stopped at the scene, that was what was reconstructed," he said.
Nyoman Gede revealed that currently the Labfor team has finished processing the crime scene and is conducting an in-depth investigation into the cause of the broken car window that Supriyani often takes.
"After the results of the crime scene were stated in the Labfor report there were results to us officially, we submitted it to the leadership for a case title," he said.
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol. Iis Kristian, together with the Director of Criminal Investigation, Kombes Pol. Dody Ruyatman held a press conference related to the clarification of the damage to the glass of the Baito sub-district head's car at the Baito Police.
Iis Kristian conveyed the results of clarification on the events that occurred and circulated in the media experienced by Herwan Malengga as the Head of the Baito District Government. That is
"The incident that happened to Mr. Herwan Malengga occurred when he was driving the Baito sub-district head at around 14.00 WITA, when he was driving the vehicle, suddenly he heard a hard impact on the left rear door window, he didn't hear gunshots, then stopped about 10 meters to check the vehicle and after being examined, the left rear glass was cracked," said Iis Kristian.