PPK Kemayoran Invites Residents To Manage Waste Through Waste Banks

JAKARTA The public is asked to play an active role in waste management, and waste management efficiency. Head of the Central Jakarta Environmental Agency, Slamet Riyadi, said that the active role of residents is very important to create a clean, green and healthy area, in accordance with Jakarta's vision as a green and sustainable city.

"Efficient waste management is not only the responsibility of the government, but also all levels of society. With this new policy, we hope that the community will play an active role in waste management efforts in their respective environments," said Slamet Riyadi in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

One of the managers of the Kemayoran Waste Bank, Joko Sarjono, said that the Waste Bank program has a double role, namely not only as a solution for waste management, but also as a means of community empowerment and efforts to realize smart economy.

"Through the Waste Bank program, we can realize smart economy with managed waste economic value. We hope that this program can continue to develop in Kemayoran and can be a pilot by other regions," he said.

Waste management in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta is the result of collaboration between the Kemayoran Complex Management Center (PPK Kemayoran) and the government, collaborating with the community to have a significant impact on environmental conservation and improving the quality of the Kemayoran area to Smart City.

President Director of PPK Kemayoran, Medi Kristianto emphasized that waste management in the Kemayoran PPK area is one of the main priorities in the sustainable development program run by PPK Kemayoran.

"We hope that the Kemayoran PPK can continue to synergize more with the Jakarta Special Regional Government with partners. Let's manage waste well, hopefully in the future waste management will produce economic value," said Medi in his statement, Tuesday, October 29.

PPK Kemayoran, continued Medi, has developed an integrated waste management system to reduce environmental pollution.

"Focusing on sorting waste, recycling, and utilizing local resources," he said.

This synergy is to strengthen the role of partners in preserving the environment and supporting the implementation of innovative environmental policies in the Kemayoran area through waste management.

Meanwhile, the Director of Planning and Development of the Kemayoran PPK, Biwodotomo Witoradyo, explained the waste management efforts that had been carried out in Kemayoran.

"We have moved to manage waste by actively sorting waste at Utan Kemayoran's compost house. In addition to waste management, the Kemayoran PPK also continues to strive to develop various environmental structuring projects such as pedestrian arrangement, public street lighting, construction of wastewater management installations to reforestation programs in the Kemayoran area," he said.