Komnas HAM Chairman Affirms TNI's Duties Are Not Contrary To Human Rights Protection
JAKARTA - Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro said that the MoU signed by Komnas HAM and the TNI Headquarters showed that the duties and functions of the TNI to maintain state sovereignty did not conflict with human rights promotion and protection efforts.
TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro at the Komnas HAM office, Jakarta, signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation (MoU) regarding the promotion and protection of human rights within the TNI.
"So, there is no conflict between the task of defense security and human rights as long as it is carried out according to the law, both national and international law which has been ratified by Indonesia," said the Chairman of Komnas HAM as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 28.
He also emphasized that the memorandum of understanding also shows the synergy of the duties and functions of the two institutions, namely Komnas HAM, which is tasked with advancing and upholding human rights and the task of the TNI to safeguard the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the TNI Commander emphasized the TNI's commitment to uphold human rights values. He also said that the TNI had also included material regarding human rights in its education curriculum, as well as routinely providing counseling on human rights to soldiers who would carry out operational duties.
"In the MoU, it is written that there are exchanges of information, data, where soldiers in the area of operation, if there are human rights violations or something like that are informed to human rights officers, namely Kababinkum or Asops who coordinate with staff at Komnas HAM," said the TNI Commander.
The MoU on the promotion and protection of human rights within the TNI is the first to be signed by the TNI Headquarters and Komnas HAM. The memorandum of understanding of cooperation, which is valid for 3 years, includes education, training, counseling, study and research, as well as limited data exchange related to public complaints.
"The goal is of course that these two institutions can synergize in accordance with their duties and functions to better encourage the human rights situation in Indonesia," said the Chairman of Komnas HAM.