Support The Attractiveness Of Whale Shark Tourism In Gorontalo, IIF Provides CSR Assistance For Rumpon Making

JAKARTA - In order to support the potential for tourist attraction in Gorontalo province, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) in collaboration with the Gorontalo Provincial Government provided Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assistance in the form of the creation of a Rumpon Total Attractor (Rumpon) to support whale shark attractions in Botubarani Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo.

The symbolic CSR assistance was given directly by the Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer IIF, Mohammad Ramadhan Haraha / Idhan to the Acting Governor of Gorontalo, Rudy Salahuddin and witnessed directly by the ranks of the Gorontalo Provincial Government.

The Botubarani Whale Destination is one of the leading destinations in Gorontalo Province. The Rumpon facility serves as a source of food for whale sharks, as abundant foliations become their favorite dish. Thus, the clumps not only increase the population ofacterial sharks, but also the number of whale sharks visiting the waters of Botubarani

"This CSR assistance is a form of IIF's concern to continue to maintain and maintain biodiversity conservation. In addition, this program also aims to increase the potential for economic development in the Gorontalo region, because with the increasing number of visitors/tourists interested in seeing whale sharks, it can trigger local economic growth, such as increasing public income from the tourism, fisheries and MSME sectors," said Idhan, in a written statement, Monday, October 28.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Gorontalo, Rudy Salahuddin expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the CSR assistance provided by IIF.

"This CSR assistance is very good for environmental conservation where in Gorontalo there are still many tourist attractions that may later other companies can also provide CSR for environmental conservation," he said.

The provision of CSR Rumpon assistance is clear evidence of good cooperation between the government and the private sector, in this case IIF and the Gorontalo Provincial Government. It is hoped that the Botubarani Whale Shark tourist destination can further develop and become one of the icons of Indonesian tourism that not only provides economic benefits for the surrounding community, but also contributes to environmental conservation and marine biodiversity.