Metro Police Chief Rotation 150 Ranks At Polsek-Polres Level

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto rotated his staff at the police and police levels. It was recorded that 150 members were transferred.

The rotation and mutations are contained in a Telegram letter with the number ST/367/X/KEP./2024 signed by Karo HR Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Muh Dwita Kumu Wardana, dated October 25, 2024.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, who confirmed this matter, confirmed it. Mutations and rotations are carried out solely to refresh the organization.

"It's true, in the context of tour of duty and organizational refreshment," said Ade to reporters, Monday, October 28.

In the telegram, several members were transferred, such as;

1. Kompol Maulana Mukarom, who was previously the Head of the Kelapa Gading Police, was transferred as Kauranev Subbid Pidhimas Polda Metro Jaya

2. Kompol Seto Handoko Putra, who previously served as Kanit 5 Sub-Directorate 4 of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, was appointed as the new Head of Kelapa Gading Police.

3. Kompol Gurnald Patrian, who previously served as West Cikarang Police Chief, was transferred as Head of Civil Servant Bagdalpers Ro HR Polda Metro Jaya

4. AKP Tri Baskoro Bintang Wijaya was appointed as the Head of the West Cikarang Police

5. Kompol Sutrisno, who previously served as the Head of the Kebon Jeruk Police, was transferred to the Medan Satria Police Chief of the Bekasi City Metro Police

6. AKBP Dedi Nurhadi, who previously served as Head of Operations for the Central Jakarta Metro Police, has been transferred to the Head of Binmas at the East Jakarta Metro Police

7. AKBP Askhabul Kahfi, who was previously Pamen Polda Metro Jaya (a move from Baintelkam Polri) has been transferred to the Head of Ops of the Central Jakarta Metro Police

8. Kompol Muh. Sahiri, who previously served as Head of Civil Servant Bagdalpers Ro HR Polda Metro Jaya, was appointed as Cakung Police Chief

9. Kompol Rahmat Suprianto was appointed as the new head of the Ciracas Police.

10. Police Commissioner Agung Andriansyah, who previously served as Head of Ciracas Police, was transferred as Head of Kemayoran Police.