Cost Telan Rp162.8 Billion, Sanggeng Market Project In Manokwari Rampung

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works (PU) has completed the construction of Sanggeng Market in Manokwari Regency, West Papua. The project, which has been carried out since 2023, has cost Rp162.8 billion.

Deputy Minister (Wamen) of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti said, with the completion of the Sanggeng Market construction, it is hoped that the benefits can be felt directly by the people of Manokwari, especially in ensuring the distribution of basic commodities and helping to move the real sector or MSMEs.

"With the new market building, the Ministry of Public Works wants to ensure that the provision of modern facilities, an orderly and clean environment and ease of access for the market community can be fulfilled," Diana said in a written statement, quoted Monday, October 28.

Pembangunan Pasar Sanggeng dikerjakan Kementerian PUPR melalui Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah (BPPW) Papua Barat, Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Cipta Karya dengan anggaran APBN senilai Rp162.8 miliar.

Meanwhile, this market construction is carried out by the implementing contractor PT Nindya Karya including structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) work.

Meanwhile, Sanggeng Market stands on an area of 27,809 square meters with a three-story building design. This building has an area of 21,519 square meters. This market construction work has been adjusted to environmental harmony that maintains local wisdom values, so that traders and buyers feel comfortable.

The market building consists of an area of 6,160 square meters, a second floor covering an area of 5,101 square meters and a third floor covering an area of 5,101 square meters. Overall, this market has a total of 394 kiosks and 1,016 merchant stalls.

Sanggeng Market is expected to support the trade of goods and services in meeting people's daily needs, especially since it is located not far from the port and the Manokwari fish auction center. Thus, it can support economic growth.