Minister Of Environment Steps On Gas To Fix Garbage In Jakarta After The President's Distribution

JAKARTA - Minister of Environment (LH) Hanif Faisol Nurofiq stepped on the gas to fix the problem of waste management in DKI Jakarta after participating in the arrangement with the ranks of the Red and White Cabinet by President Prabowo Subianto.

From the location of the arrangement at the Military Academy, Magelang, East Java, Minister Hanif Faisol immediately left for the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST), Bekasi, West Java, Sunday evening.

"I understand this problem very well. We will report it to the President to receive an escort from the central government because the resolution of Bantargebang waste is no longer able to be handled by the provincial government," said Minister Hanif, who on that occasion brought three Director Generals of the Ministry of Environment as reported by Antara.

The Bantargebang TPST, which is one of the assets of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, has exceeded its capacity because piles of garbage continue to enter every day even though the area has been expanded to 117.5 hectares.

Based on data from the Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency, a total of more than 55 million tons of waste accumulates at the Bantargebang TPST, or per day receives as much as 7,500 tons - 8,000 tons of waste originating from the capital city.

That way the Ministry of Environment will take several strategic steps to help the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government fix the existing waste problem.

Hanif explained that in the near future his party will make regulations related to the management of household waste to waste produced by business actors in the field of food and beverages.

This is known based on recorded data, of the total amount of waste buried, around 49-50 percent are food waste (foodwaste) and a small part are plastic and paper waste.

"The waste from the food was successfully processed into compost, but was overwhelmed because there were a lot of them. So all foodwaste in Jakarta should no longer reach the Bantargebang TPST," he said, adding that the use of a maggot to break food waste was one of the efforts being considered by the Ministry of Environment and the Provincial Government of DKI.

Minister Hanif also stated that his party is ready to develop the capacity of the Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) and ensure the construction of a refused drived fuel (RDF Plant) in Bantargebang, one of which is through strengthening the budget involving related ministries/agencies to Government-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and the private sector.

TPST Bantargebang already has a PLTSa with a production capacity of 1,000 tons per day and is able to generate electricity of 700 KWH. Meanwhile, RDF Plant, which is one of the targets of producing waste at TPST Bantargebang, has become a replacement briquette for coal, currently its construction has only reached 55 percent.

"Meski akan pindah ibu kota ke IKN. Jakarta tetap menjadi episentrumnya Indonesia, maka dari itu akan kami benahi sesegera mungkin, dimulai dari urusan sampah, " kata dia.







"Although the capital city will move to IKN. Jakarta remains the epicenter of Indonesia, we will fix that as soon as possible, starting from the waste business," he said.