ASN In Disdikpora Majene Suspect Of Extortion Of BOSP Funds That Lose Rp250 Million To The State

MAKASSAR - Polres Kabupaten Majene Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (Sulbar) mengungkap kasus tindak pidana pungutan liar (pungli) pada program dana bantuan operasional satuan pendidikan (BOSP).

"Unit Tipikor Satuan Reskrim Polres Majene berhasil mengungkap kasus pungli dana BOSP yang dikelola pada Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda, dan Olahraga (Disdikpora) Kabupaten Majene," kata Kapolres Majene AKBP Toni Sugadri, di Majene, Antara, Minggu, 27 Oktober.

Polres Majene telah menetapkan satu orang tersangka pelaku pungli BOSP yang dikelola pada sejumlah sekolah tingkat SD dan SMP yang dinaungi Disdikpora kabupaten Majene.

Pelaku melakukan pungli pada anggaran dana BOSP senilai Rp25,26 miliar untuk 127 sekolah tingkat SD, dan 38 SMP di Kabupaten Majene, perbuatan pelaku diduga mengakibatkan kerugian negara hingga Rp250 juta.

"Satu tersangka yang ditetapkan tersebut berinisial SB (40), yang merupakan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) pada Disdikpora Majene," katanya.

Menurut dia, kasus pungli tersebut telah berlangsung sejak Februari sampai April 2024, sebelum berhasil diungkap dan diproses secara hukum.

Ia menyampaikan, tersangka telah diamankan di Mapolres Majene bersama barang bukti untuk menjalankan proses hukum mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya.

The Majene District Police of West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar) revealed a criminal case of illegal levies (extortion) in the education unit operational assistance program (BOSP).

"The Corruption Unit of the Majene Police Criminal Investigation Unit has succeeded in uncovering cases of extortion of BOSP funds managed at the Youth and Sports Education Office (Disdikpora) of Majene Regency," said Majene Police Chief AKBP Toni Sugadri, in Majene, Antara, Sunday, October 27.

Polres Majene telah menetapkan satu orang tersangka pelaku pungli BOSP yang dikelola pada sejumlah sekolah tingkat SD dan SMP yang dinaungi Disdikpora kabupaten Majene.

The perpetrators carried out extortion in the BOSP budget of Rp25.26 billion for 127 elementary schools, and 38 junior high schools in Majene Regency, the perpetrator's actions allegedly resulted in state losses of up to Rp250 million.

"The one suspect named has the initials SB (40), who is a state civil servant (ASN) at the Majene Disdikpora," he said.

According to him, the extortion case had been going on from February to April 2024, before it was successfully uncovered and legally processed.

He said the suspect had been detained at the Majene Police Headquarters along with evidence to carry out the legal process to account for his actions.