KY Highlights Ronald Tannur's Money Flow To Judges After Ex-Ma Officials Involved

JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) will coordinate with the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court (MA) to resolve a bribery case related to Ronald Tannur's acquittal. This is because this allegation allegedly ensnared a number of judges based on the financial records found.

"KY has a deep concern in this case. Moreover, in its development it involves former officials at the Supreme Court as suspects," said KY member and KY Spokesperson Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata to reporters, Saturday, October 26.

Mukti said this attention was also given because the public was highlighting the weakness of the judge's integrity because he was caught accepting bribes. Thus, KY and the Supreme Court will try to resolve this case.

One way to do this is by detecting areas that have the potential to cause abuse of authority. The hope is that similar cases will no longer occur.

"KY appreciates the Attorney General's Office for continuing to uncover the practice of bribery in the judiciary," he said.

As previously reported, the Attorney General's Office arrested a former Supreme Court (MA) official with the initials ZR. He is suspected of being a case management broker when Gregorius Ronald Tannur filed an appeal against the murder case of Dini Sera Afrianti.

ZR once served as Head of the Supreme Court's Legal and Judicial Education Agency. He allegedly received bribes from Lisa Rahmat, who is Ronald Tannur's lawyer and was arrested in Bali at 22.00 WITA on Thursday, October 24.