How To Suppress Gondongan? The Following Is The Implementation Of The Therapy

YOGYAKARTA Gondongan or parrotitis is a condition in which saliva glands experience inflammation due to infection with the paramoxyvirus virus. Gondongan is marked by swelling in the face area, precisely in the area under the ear. So, how to suppress Gondongan?

Before knowing the answer to this question, it's a good idea to listen to the causes and symptoms of gondongan.

Gondongan is a disease caused by infection with the paramoxyvirus virus. This virus belongs to the rubulavirus family.

The incubation period for paramoxyvirus is about 16-18 days. This virus can reproduce in the upper respiratory tract.

For this reason, this disease can be easily transmitted by sneezing, splashing saliva, or coughing.

If you or your child are exposed, immediately self-isolate at home so that the virus does not infect other people.

When exposed to angular disease, you will probably feel the following symptoms:

As a defect, some sufferers may experience mild symptoms, such as the flu. In fact, some do not experience symptoms at all. This is what causes them not to realize that they are infected with paramoxyvirus in parotics.

The duration of the emergence of these symptoms varies with each person. Generally, this disease can recover by itself within two weeks,

Until now, there has been no antiviral drug that specifically can treat Gondongan. Even so, that doesn't mean this disease can't be cured.

Gondongan therapy is focused on strengthening the immune system to fight infection with the paramoxyvirus virus.

Therefore, the thing that can be done to suppress Gondongan is as follows:

In addition, to prevent transmission of the virus, you can apply the following tips:

Although there is no special drug that can deal with Gondongan, currently there is a vaccine that can prevent infection with the virus that causes online.

The vaccines are MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccines. MMR vaccination can protect the body fromterus, gandongan, and rubella.

Based on research published in The Journal of Infectius Disease, this vaccine works by increasing antibody (IgG) capabilities to protect the body from paramoxyvirus infection.

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