Meeting With Local Government, KPAI Holds A Meeting On Honorary Teachers In Konsel

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) held a meeting with the Regional Government (Pemda) of South Konawe regarding the alleged abuse case carried out by honorary teachers of SDN 4 Baito Supriyani to his students with the initials D (8).

The meeting with the Regional Government and related parties in the case was to obtain a meeting point for the settlement of the case which had gone viral for some time.

KPAI Commissioner Ai Maryati Solehah when met in Konsel said that her party hopes that all officials with an interest can share perceptions related to these problems.

"The main point is related to the report in April 2024 on suspicion of a criminal act of persecution," said Maryati.

He mentioned that for this reason, measurable steps must be taken immediately, namely meeting the victim's child and the school, which then ensures that children's rights, including children's education rights, must remain a priority.

"The school must continue to support children to stay in school," he said.

Maryati also mentioned that she really wanted to meet the alleged perpetrator Suriyani. Because, he wanted to hear directly from him about the case that happened, but it didn't happen.

"We call for child witnesses in the trial to be conducted behind closed doors, not openly. Seeing the victim and the witness is a child," he said.

He emphasized that in this case, KPAI was not among one party, but would try to give the best to both parties.

"Let us respect what is going on now. We appreciate all levels of stakeholders for the quick response in responding to this case," said Maryati.

Di tempat yang sama Anggota Tim KPAI Aris Adi Leksono meminta kepada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan dan KPAD untuk membuat kesepakatan mencabut adaran yang telah viral, terkait dengan tidak diterimanya lagi korban selaku siswa sekolah dasar untuk berkolah di seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Baito, Kabupaten Konsel.

"And the letter was copied to KPAI," he continued.

In line with that, Konsel Regency Child Protection Social Representative Firli Ahmad said that in this case it must be focused on the condition of children since the occurrence of cases, in terms of mentality, whether they are traumatized and afraid to go to school or not. Children's behavior is different before and after problems occur.

"When we provide assistance, we hope that cases only reach the police level, it turns out that the case is continued until now what we all know together. Meanwhile, the condition of the trial room is not appropriate for children," he said.

As for the results of the meeting, KPAI concluded five points, namely:

1. KPAI was constrained in the field while carrying out surveillance of the case, KPAI plans to meet the alleged perpetrator but is not given time and opportunity to meet him.

2. KPAI guarantees children's education rights

3. KPAI will emphasize to PGRI, not to discriminate against children who are victims or witnesses.

4. KPAI appealed during the legal process, always prioritizing the status of victims and witnesses as children, expecting the trial to be carried out behind closed doors.

5. KPAI emphasizes to all parties, to respect the entire ongoing legal process.