Pound Fit Sports Suitable For What Age? These Are Various Benefits According To The Age Category

YOGYAKARTA - The sport of the pound Fit is becoming a trend and is popular with many people from various ages. This sport is not only effective for burning calories, but also fun because it involves a movement that resembles a drum game accompanied by music. So how much age is the pound fit sport suitable for?

Pound fit is a sport that combines cardio movements, pilates, and strength exercises. Pound Fit offers a unique way of exercising by using a special drum stick called Ripstix to create rhythm and intensity. But for many people, questions may arise about the age that is suitable for joining the Pound Fit.

Basically, pound fit is a sport that can be followed by almost all ages, from teenagers to adults. But the best-fit and ideal age for this sport is usually between 16 and 50 years.

A pound fit sport requires sufficient stamina and muscle strength to keep up with high intensity movements. Even so, with the right adjustments, this sport can still be enjoyed by people outside that age range.

The following is the age category that is most suitable for Pound Fit along with the reasons and benefits that can be obtained in each age group.

Pound Fit is suitable for teens starting at the age of 16. At this age, the body is in the optimal development stage to increase muscle strength, flexibility, and stamina. Pound fit is the ideal choice as it helps train coordination and rhythm, improves agility, improves important posture during growth.

For teenagers, the pound fit also provides additional benefits in terms of increasing confidence and reducing stress. At this age, teens tend to be attracted to dynamic and energy-filled activities such as pound fit accompanied by music.

Age 20 to 30 years is an ideal range that wants to get maximum benefits from pound fit. At this age, the body is in prime condition with optimal ability to carry out cardio and strength movements. The pound fit is very effective in helping to maintain ideal weight, form muscles, and improve good fitness for heart health.

Pound fit is also a suitable exercise for people at this age who have a busy schedule. pound fit sessions usually don't take too long, but are able to burn calories in large enough quantities. So this sport is suitable for those who want to exercise but have limited time.

For the age group of 30 to 40 years, pound fit remains a useful sport, especially in maintaining body fitness and controlling weight. At this age, the body's metabolism begins to slow down, so training involving intense cardio such as pound fit can help keep metabolism active.

In addition, pound fit also helps maintain muscle and bone strength, which is important to prevent a decrease in muscle mass. For those who are married or have a solid daily activity, pound fit can be the right choice because it offers effective results in a short time.

For the 40 to 50 year age group, pound fit can remain an attractive sporting choice although some adjustments need to be made. At this age, people tend to be more susceptible to injury due to reduced bone density and reduced muscle elasticity.

Therefore, it is important to reduce the intensity of movement or choose a suitable pound fit class for beginners or the elderly. Although the intensity may be reduced, the benefits of pound fit at this age are still large, such as increasing stamina, maintaining joint health, training muscle strength and body balance, and reducing stress.

At the age of over 50, the pound fit can still be done but with a lighter level of intensity. The elderly can follow a modified pound fit and be carried out under professional coach's supervision to prevent injury.

The benefits of pound fit for the elderly include maintaining flexibility, reducing the risk of heart disease, and helping to maintain muscle strength and body balance. Physical activities that are carried out correctly and consistently will help maintain body mobility, and improve quality of life.

That's an explanation of what age a pound fit is suitable for? Pound fit is a versatile sport that can be enjoyed by various age groups with certain adjustments. Read also know the pound fit as a sport loved by mothers and young women.

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