Technology Innovation Supports Healthy And Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles

JAKARTA - As public awareness of a healthy lifestyle increases, the food and environmental industries continue to innovate to ensure the quality of the products consumed and the surrounding environment is maintained.

One of the technologies present to support this trend is N-Realyzer, a state-of-the-art laboratory tool to analyze nitrogen and protein content in various samples, both food, feed, and the environment.

Dr. Lukas Briger, International Customer & Application Support from C. Kiss GmbH, explains that this tool allows testing not only on food and feed, but also on environmental samples such as soil or water.

"This technology ensures that the test process is faster, cost-effective, and minimal in chemical waste, thus supporting environmental sustainability," he said in his statement to VOI.

This tool becomes relevant in the midst of the trend of people who are increasingly concerned with healthy food sources and sustainable products. Using the Dumas method, N-Realyzer burns samples at temperatures of up to 900 degrees Celsius using oxygen gas.

This burn produces carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor gases, which are then analyzed through a thermal conductance detector. From these signals, levels of nitrogen or protein can be calculated in precision.

The use is very easy and fully automatic, so each analysis only takes five minutes. It is much more efficient than traditional methods such as Kjeldahl, which take up to an hour, "explained Dr. Lukas.

For people who want to maintain the quality of life and safety of food products, the presence of tools such as N-Realyzer also provides a sense of security. "This tool does not require chemicals or toxic catalysts, thereby minimizing the risk of exposure to harmful substances for laboratory workers," he added.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Didah Nur Faridah, STP, MSi. from the SEAFAST Center IPB, stated that this innovation brings broad benefits.

"The development of this technology not only helps the food and feed industry, but also supports academic research and government programs related to sustainability," he said.

Behind the sophisticated tools, there is full support from PT Lihat Global Indonesia, the official distributor who focuses on presenting the latest technology for laboratory testing.

"We are committed to presenting innovative solutions that help laboratory users get faster, more accurate, and secure results," said General Manager of PT Lihat Global Indonesia.

With the presence of N-Realyzer, a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle is easier to realize. Starting from ensuring the protein content in food to maintaining environmental quality, this innovation is a modern solution for people who care about health and sustainability.