Target Energy Self-Sufficiency, KESDM Geber Lifting To BBN Development

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed a number of efforts that will be made to follow up on President Prabowo's directives regarding energy self-sufficiency.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Yuliot explained that President Prabowo's directive regarding the energy sector emphasized two main things, namely good energy security and natural resource management (SDA) to support community development and welfare.

"First, how to ensure energy resilience. Second, natural resources management must be optimal in order to accelerate development and improve people's welfare," he said, quoted on Friday, October 25.

Yuliot also emphasized the importance of full control by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in implementing the program, without relying on other ministries or institutions.

"We want to ensure that performance remains under the control of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, even though coordination with other ministries is still needed so that the target can be achieved," he said.

To achieve self-sufficiency in energy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will focus on increasing oil lifting which is currently at around 600,000 barrels per day. Yuliot emphasized the need for increased oil production in accordance with national targets to support energy security.

In addition, the conversion of fuel vehicles to electricity is also a priority.

"The more use of electric vehicles, the less fuel consumption will decrease. This is one of our important strategies," Yuliot explained.

Another effort made to suppress fuel consumption is optimizing the Nabati Fuel (BBN) program, which is currently at the B35 level. The government plans to increase the mixture of biodiesel to B40, B50, to B60.

"Currently it is still at B35, but there are plans to move up to B40, B50, and B60. Of course this requires supporting policies, including related to biosolar raw materials originating from palm oil. We will encourage business actors who have not exported their palm oil products to market domestically as raw material for biosolars," said Yuliot.