BAM DPR Guarantees Every People's Aspirations To Be Processed, Ready For Direct Audience

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR RI's Community Aspiration Agency (BAM) Netty Prasetiyani Aher ensured that the voices of the people submitted to his party would be processed or followed up. One method of conveying people's aspirations can be done through direct audiences with BAM.

"We want to ensure that every vote has a place in the DPR and is followed up according to the existing mechanism," said Netty, Friday, October 25.

BAM is a new body formed by the DPR to optimize the distribution of people's aspirations to the council. This agency will accept people who ask for assistance related to their problems, to become a forum for demonstrators to channel their aspirations.

Netty emphasized that the DPR is ready to listen to the voices of all levels of society with various issues from all sectors.

Whether it's about social issues, economy, education, health, or law. We want to ensure that every vote has a place in the DPR and is followed up according to the existing mechanism," he said.

Officially, BAM is tasked with following up on public reports that are general in nature and do not reduce the authority of the relevant council equipment (AKD), and accept the aspirations of the community in order to carry out meaningful participation at every stage of discussing the Draft Law (RUU).

Later this BAM will accommodate all the aspirations of the community, then it will be distributed to commissions and relevant stakeholders. For example, if it is related to health issues, BAM will channel the aspirations of the people to Commission IX of the DPR in partnership with the Ministry of Health to be followed up together.

As the leader of BAM, Netty is also committed to making the DPR a more aspirational and responsive institution for all forms of complaints and aspirations from the community. He stated that the follow-up process of every community aspiration will later be carried out in a transparent and open manner.

"Not only accepting aspirations, but also discussing them seriously and conveying them to the commission or related agencies in the DPR RI," said Netty.

The legislator from the West Java VIII electoral district stated that BAM would ensure that every community issue brought to the DPR could be found a solution. According to Netty, every aspiration that BAM has distributed to commissions or agencies will be brought into discussion with the Government through ministries/agencies as partners of the DPR in accordance with the issue sector of this aspiration.

"We want to ensure that the voices of the people do not stop at the table, but reach the hands of those who have the authority to act," said the woman who is also on duty at Commission IX of the DPR.

Netty explained that the mechanism for conveying the aspirations of the people in BAM can be done in various ways. People can attend directly to the DPR or use communication channels that are easily accessible to the public.

"People can convey their aspirations through digital platforms, live hearings, to through formal meetings conducted online through the platforms that have been provided," explained Netty.

"We are open to all inputs, both direct and indirect from the community," he continued.

Furthermore, Netty explained that the existence of this Community Aspiration Agency is to make it easier for the public to convey their aspirations to the DPR. That way, the method of communication between the community and the DPR as a connector of people's votes can be more effective and regular.

"We understand that people need easily accessible channels, and we will continue to update this communication method to make it more inclusive," said Netty.

Regarding the function of capturing people's aspirations as a form of the meaningfull participation stage in the discussion of the bill, said Netty, BAM acts as an important part of Indonesian democracy.

"Because every draft law that is being discussed must consider the views and interests of the community," he said.

"Therefore, the community will be involved in discussing the bill, so that their aspirations can be included in important decisions made by the DPR," concluded Netty.

The following are the leaders of the House of Representatives' Aspiration Body for the period 2024-2029:

Chairman : Netty Prasetiyani (F-PKS) Deputy Chairperson:Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa (F-Golkar)Taufiq R Abdullah (F-PKB)Cellica Nurrachadiana (F-Democrat)