Police Sanction Traffic Violators In Central Lombok By Reading The Al-Qur'an

The Central Lombok Police, West Nusa Tenggara gave a sharia warning for motorists who were found to have violated traffic rules during Operation Zebra Rinjani 2024, in order to increase public awareness to order traffic.

"To motorists caught in raids during the operation, we gave a sharia warning by reading the Qur'an to ease violations," said Head of Traffic at the Central Lombok Police, AKP M. Puteh Rinaldi in Central Lombok, Antara, Friday, October 25.

This sharia warning to traffic violators is an innovation from the Central Lombok Police Chief to increase interest in reading the Qur'an.

"This is called one job innovation, two benefits, first one who reads can also get rewards and initiators of innovation can also be rewarded, besides that we also listen to reward," he said.

At the time of reading the Qur'an, Puteh said, his party prepared members to watch it, so that reading is in accordance with tajwid. We have members who are fluent in reading the Qur'an which is prepared as viewers, if members think that reading is fluent according to the spelling of machrojul letters and tajwid, relief is given," he said.

Not only that, he hopes that this program will at least be more diligent in reading considering that reading the Qur'an is also for members of the police.

"Essentially, we hope that with this road we will remind each other how big the priority of reading the Koran is and hopefully what we are programing this time will be charity," he said.

Meanwhile, his party noted that they had taken action against 553 traffic violators during the week of Operation Zebra Rinjani which had been carried out since October 14, 2024.

"In addition, we also gave a warning of 1,227 drivers, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled," he said.

He explained that violators during the zebra operation were still dominated by two-wheeled riders with 480 violators.

While the types of violations included 178 non-wearing helmets, without 264 letters, the exhaust did not match the specifications (brong) 25 and rode more than one person 13.

Meanwhile, said Puteh, 68 four-wheeled riders who were caught in raids during the operation, consisting of 45 without letters and 23 not wearing seat belts.

"We hope that motorists will continue to comply with traffic regulations," he said.

He said during the zebra operation his party also carried out preemptive activities, appeals, education and counseling.

"Besides law enforcement, we also provide appeals and counseling, besides that we also put up banners and distribute advisory leaflets to road users," he explained.

For information, Operation Zebra Rinjani 2024 will be carried out for 14 days from 14-27 October 2024.

"It is hoped that two-wheeled and four-wheeled drivers will continue to pay attention to safety when getting acquainted on the highway, use standard helmets, obey traffic signs to prevent accidents," he said.