Sritex Declared Bankrupt, Ministry Of Manpower Asks Not To Rush Employee Layoffs

JAKARTA - The Semarang City Commercial Court decided to bankrupt PT Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) after granting the request of one of the creditors of the textile company who asked for the cancellation of peace in delaying the obligation to pay debts that had been previously agreed upon.

Responding to this, the Ministry of Manpower through the Director General of Industrial Relations and Employment Social Security Indah Anggoro Putri asked PT Sritex and its subsidiaries who had been declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court not to rush to lay off their workers, until there was an inkrah decision or from the Supreme Court.

"The Ministry of Manpower asked PT Sritex and its subsidiaries who had been declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court not to rush to lay off their workers," Indah told the media crew quoted on Friday, October 25.

Indah also asked Sritex and its subsidiaries to continue to pay workers' rights, especially salaries and employee wages.

Indah further added, the Ministry of Manpower requested that all parties, namely the Ministry of Manpower and Trade Unions (SP), keep conditions conducive.

"The Ministry of Manpower asks PT Sritex and SP at the company to remain calm and maintain the conduciveness of the company, and immediately determine strategic and solution steps for both parties. Prioritize constructive, productive and solution dialogue," said Indah.

Just so you know, in January 2022 PT Sritex was sued by one of its debtors, CV Prima Karya, who proposed to postpone debt payment obligations (PKPU).

The Semarang City Commercial Court granted PKPU's lawsuit against PT Sritex and three other textile companies.

As time went on, PT Sritex was again sued by PT Indo Bharat Rayon because it was deemed not to fulfill the agreed debt payment obligations.