Chronology Of The Arrest Of 3 Surabaya District Court Judges Who Allegedly Received Bribes Free Ronald Tannur

YOGYAKARTA 3 judge acquitted Ronald Tannur was arrested. The three of them are judges at the Surabaya District Court (PN). Related to this, the chronology of the arrest of 3 judges at the Surabaya District Court is an interesting material for discussion.

As is known, there were three judges from the Surabaya District Court who previously gave acquittal in the murder case of Dini Sera Afriyanti with the suspect Ronald Tannur. The three judges were Erintuah Damanik, Mangapul, and Hari Hanindyo.

The arrest of three judges at the Surabaya District Court was carried out on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 by a joint team consisting of the East Java Prosecutor's Office and the Surabaya Prosecutor's Office with the help of the TNI Puspom. A total of 4 teams were involved in the arrest.

In an official report from the Surabaya District Attorney's Office, it was reported that the arrests and cancellations began in the morning at 07.00 WIB until the afternoon in as many as 6 locations. The first location begins in an apartment inhabited by Erintuah Damanik and Mangapul located on Jalan Tidar Surabaya.

After that, it was continued to the residence of Judge Heru Hanindyo, which is located on Jalan Ketintang Baru. The team then rushed to Lisa Rachmat's office, lawyer Rinald Tannur who is located on Jalan Raya Kendangsari Surabaya and to his residence.

Not only that, searches were also carried out at Kevin Wibowo's residence, who was suspected of having a role in handling the Ronald Tannur case.

The team started moving at 06.30 WIB in the six locations mentioned earlier. At 09.00 WIB, the Chairman of the East Java High Court visited a search that was held at Heru Hanindyo's house to ask for a search letter.

Then at 15.30 WIB, the search conducted at Ronald Tannur's attorney's office had been completed. Meanwhile, searches in other locations are still being carried out.

Three judges who had been arrested were then questioned at the East Java Prosecutor's Office Building located on Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya. The arrival of the three was divided into two groups, the first group carrying one judge arrived at 16.40 WIB.

After that the second group came with two judges at 17.02 WIB. They were then directed to the examination room on the top floor. When asked by reporters, the three judges did not provide any information.

Please note that the Ronald Tannur case went viral on social media X (Twitter). Ronald is the son of a former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives. He became the perpetrator of the murder of his own lover, Dini Sera Afriyanti (29).

After Ronald's case surfaced, the court acquitted Roald. From there, there were allegations of bribery in the case.

That is information related to the chronology of the arrests of 3 judges at the Surabaya District Court. Visit to get other interesting information.