Quarantine Thwarts Delivery Of Hundreds Of Illegal Birds From Medan In Bakauheni

LAMPUNG - Officers of the Indonesian Quarantine Agency (Barantin) through the Lampung Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center (Karantina Lampung) of the Bakauheni Ferry Port service service unit again thwarted the plan to send 126 birds without documents at Bakauheni Port, Monday, October 21.

Head of the Lampung Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center Donni Muksydayan said the undocumented birds were transported from Medan by minibuses to Jakarta.

"Hundreds of birds are packaged in fruit baskets totaling four boxes by their owners. After that, they are deposited in a minibus with the Jakarta city police number, to be delivered to recipients in the city," he said when contacted from South Lampung, Antara, Wednesday, October 23.

This shipment was thwarted by quarantine officers who were conducting surveillance at the 6th pier of Bakauheni Ferry Port, South Lampung.

While conducting surveillance, officers were suspicious of a minibus vehicle whose roof of the vehicle contained luggage covered with a blue tarpaulin.

Then the officers checked the vehicle and opened the cover tarp. And found four baskets of fruit containing hundreds of birds.

"When we asked for information, the driver who was carrying could not show the documents for the completeness of the animals he was carrying, so we made arrests. We then identified the type of bird that was brought in. The total number was 126, with details of the type covering a cucak ijo mini of 9, cucak branches 7 heads, sepah king 3 heads, and collibri ninja 107 heads," he said.