DPR Completes All Body Leaders Including BAM, Here's The List

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has finished determining the leadership and members of the board's equipment (AKD), both commissions and agencies. Including the agency that is now owned by the DPR is the Community Aspiration Agency (BAM) which was just formed in this period.

"We have determined the leadership of the AKD for commissions and agencies in the DPR. Including the Community Aspirations Agency which was formed to maximize the role of the DPR in accommodating the aspirations of the people," said Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, Wednesday, October 23.

As for the agencies that have been determined by the DPR, there is a Deliberative Body (Bamus) consisting of 58 members, the Legislation Body (Baleg) has 90 members, the Budget Agency (Banggar) 105 members, the State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) 19 members, the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) totaling 45 members, the Honorary Council (MKD) 17 members, the Household Affairs Agency (BURT) totaling 25 members, then members of the special committee (Pansus) totaling 30 people, and the Community Aspiration Agency there are 19 members.

With the BAM, Cucun hopes that the DPR can be more optimal in solving the problems faced by the people.

"Through BAM, we will accommodate all the aspirations of the community so that the people's hopes can be channeled optimally through the DPR, which is a liaison for the people's votes," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

The task of the House of Representatives' Aspiration Body is to accommodate the aspirations of the people directly and indirectly, collect and examine the aspirations of the community, convey the results of the review to the relevant AKD to be followed up, and monitor the follow-up by AKD.

BAM is also tasked with carrying out follow-up to public reports that are general in nature and do not reduce the authority of the relevant AKD, and receive the aspirations of the community in order to carry out the mean full participation at every stage of the discussion of the bill. Later this BAM will accommodate all the aspirations of the community, then it will be distributed to commissions and related stakeholders.

Meanwhile, for the commission, the DPR on Tuesday, October 20, yesterday determined the members and leaders of Commission I to Commission XI. Today the DPR has resumed the meeting to determine the composition of the new members and leaders of 2 commissions, namely Commission XII and XIII.

"We have determined the leaders of AKD, for commission I to XI yesterday, and today it will be continued to determine the commissions XII and XIII," explained Cucun.

Cucun also said that after determining the leadership and members of the AKD, members of the council were able to work actively in carrying out their duties and obligations according to the authority of the legislative body.

"With the formation of this AKD, it means that the DPR will actively work in carrying out its legislative, budget and supervisory functions," he explained.

The following is a list of the leadership of the Agency in the DPR:

Budget Agency (Banggar)

Chairman: Said Abdullah (F-PDIP)

Deputy Chairman:

Muhidin Mohamad Said (F-Golkar)

Wihadi Wiyanto (F-Gerindra)

Syarif Abdullah Alkadrie (F-Nasdem)

Jazilul Fawaid (F-PKB)

Legislation Body (Baleg)

Chairman: Bob Hasan (F-Gerindra)

Vice chairman:

Sturman Panjaitan (F-PDIP)

Ahmad Doli Kurnia (F-Golkar)

Martin Manurung (F-Nasdem)

Iman Sukri (F-PKB)

The State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN)

Chairman : Andreas Eddy Susetyo (F-PDIP)

Deputy Chairman :

Andi Achmad Dara (F-Golkar)

Enditapat Wijaya (F-Gerindra)

Idris Salim Aljufri (F-PKS)

Herman Khaeron (F-Democrat)

The Community Aspiration Agency (BAM)

Chairman : Netty Prasetiyani (F-PKS)

Deputy Chairman:

Adian Prisoners (F-PDIP)

Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa (F-Golkar)

Taufiq R Abdullah (F-PKB)

Cellica Nurrachadiana (F-Democrat)

Honorary Court of the Council (MKD)

Chairman: Nazarudin Dek Gam (F-PAN)

Deputy Chairman:

TB. Hasanudin (F-PDIP)

Agung Widyantoro (F-Golkar)

RH Imron Amin (F-Gerindra)

Habib Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi (F-PKS)

Household Affairs Agency (BURT)

Chairman: Rizki Aulia Rahman Natakusumah (F-Democrat)

Deputy Chairman:

Indah Kurnia (F-PDIP)

Ilham Pangestu (F-Golkar)

Novita Wijayanti (F-Gerindra)

Desy Ratnasari (F-PAN)

Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP)

Chairman: Mardani Ali Sera (F-PKS)

Deputy Chairman:

Irine Yusiana Roba Putri (F-PDIP)

Ravindra Airlangga (F-Golkar)

Muhammad Husein Fadlulloh (F-Gerindra)

Bramantyo Suwondo (F-Democrat)