3 Types Of Tea That Can Help Burn Stomach Fat

JAKARTA - Hoarding fat or visceral fat in the stomach can interfere with appearance and health. A person can be at risk of diabetes and heart disease due to these fats.

However, there is no need to worry, because the fat pile can be removed in several ways, one of which is eating the right tea. Quoting the Eat This page, Not That, there are 3 teas that can burn belly fat.

Green tea is a tea that is often used to burn belly fat. A 2008 study published in Physiology & Behavior found that obese participants who regularly drink green tea lose more weight overall, compared to participants who don't drink it.

Most of the weight loss properties are due to the richness of polyphenols, and polyphenols subgroups known as cati can be found in green tea, which is related to the acceleration of metabolism.

The next tea that can help burn belly fat is black tea. Polifenol found in black tea has anti-obesity properties and can help reduce weight and visceral fat.

A 2014 study published in the Food & Function states that drinking three cups of black tea every day for three months has lost weight and reduced waist circumference.

Olong tea can also help deal with belly fat. This tea comes from the same leaves as green tea and black tea, but this tea is partially oxidized, while green tea is not oxidized and black tea is full of oxidation.

Thus, this tea also has polyphenols associated with faster metabolism and reduced body fat, including the stomach. This tea can further increase fat breaking during sleep.