List Of State Officials Mandatory To Report Wealth, Delivered Periodically

YOGYAKARTA - In order to maintain transparency and prevent misappropriation, every state administrator is obliged to report his assets in the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). The report was used as material for examination by the KPK by testing compliance, completeness, existence, and reasonableness of the assets listed.

LHKPN regarding assets must be conveyed by state officials when they first took office, transfer, promotion, and pension. This provision has been regulated under law. So who are state officials who are required to report assets and what is the mechanism?

LHKPN is a state administrator's wealth report report recorded in print and/or other forms. The LHKPN document contains descriptions and details of information regarding Wealth, personal data, including income, expenses and other data on State Administrators Wealth.

The purpose of the existence of LHKPN is to prevent State Administrators from acts of collusion, corruption, and nepotism (KKN). State officials are required to convey and connect their assets to be reported to the KPK. Through LHKPN, State Administrators are willing to conduct an examination of their assets.

Regarding state officials who must report LHKPN, it has been regulated as referred to in Law (UU) Number 28 of 1999 concerning State Administrators who are Clean and Free from KKN.

State officials are state officials who carry out executive, legislative, or judicial functions and other officials related to state administration in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Referring to Law no. 28 of 1999, state officials who are obliged to report LHKPN are: as follows

Meanwhile, what is meant by "Other State Officials" at point number 6, namely: The Head of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad who is domiciled as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Governor, and Regent/Mayormadya.

There are also "other officials who have a stategist function" at point 7 are officials whose duties and authorities are in carrying out the implementation of countries prone to the actions of the KKN. The official referred to in this point, namely:

As contained in Article 4 of KPK Regulation Number 7 of 2016, State Administrators are required to report their assets to the KPK at the time:

State officials must submit LHKPN within a maximum period of three months which is calculated since the first/re-appointment/final position as State Administrators. LHKPN must also be submitted periodically every year on Wealth obtained from January 1 to December 31.

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai siapa saja pejabat negara yang wajib melaporkan harta kekayaan. Penyelenggara Negara yang diwajib menyampaikan LHKPN secara periodic telah diatur dalam UU. Baca juga 7 Menteri terkaya di kabinet Prabowo Subianto.

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