How Long Is The Study Period Of S3 And The Requirements For Graduation? Determined By A Number Of The Following Factors

YOGYAKARTA - Many people want to continue their doctoral or doctoral studies after successfully completing the Master's (S2) level. Anyone wants to study doctoral degree on a domestic campus and there are also those who plan to study abroad. So how long is the doctoral study period?

Strata-3 studies are the highest level of education in studies at universities. This title is seen as the highest academic achievement that signifies a person's expertise in certain fields, and strengthens his status as an expert.

However, to achieve a doctoral degree, a strong commitment is needed from the beginning to the end of the study period. For those of you who intend to take a doctoral program study, you should first understand how long the doctoral study period is and what conditions must be met.

The doctoral program can usually be completed within 3 years or about 6 semesters. However, the length of time is only as a general reference and can vary depending on each student.

Many students need longer time to complete their doctoral studies, depending on a number of factors. For example busy with work, family responsibilities, or other activities.

The length of doctoral college can vary which usually depends on the following factors:

In Indonesia, doctoral programs usually take between 3 and 5 years (or about 6 to 10 semesters) to complete. Meanwhile, abroad, the duration can range from 3 to 7 years, depending on the country and the institution concerned.

The length of graduation of the doctoral program can also vary depending on the field of study chosen. Some fields such as natural science or engineering, may take longer because it involves experimental research.

Research that requires a long data collection process can often prolong the duration of doctoral studies in certain fields.

Students with full-time status can generally complete studies faster than part-time students. However, this status is not always a benchmark because the speed of completion of the study also depends on the goals and commitments of each student.

To be able to obtain a doctorate or doctoral degree, a student must meet a number of requirements. The following are the requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree referring to the Rector Regulation of the University of Indonesia Number 3 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of the Doctoral Program Article 25.

1. The Curriculum Period of the Doctoral Program is designed for 6 (six) semesters consisting of:

2. Student Study Period of Doctoral Program maximum 12 (twelve) semesters.

3. Study period as referred to in paragraph (2) is taken into account for all Academic Status before graduation or exit.

4. Especially for the Study Program which is held in collaboration with foreign universities, it can develop a Study Burden and a Curriculum Period that is different from the provisions of this Chancellor Regulation.

In addition to the above requirements that must be met, students at the S3 program level must also meet the following requirements:

That is the explanation of how long the doctoral study period needs to be understood for those of you who intend to take a doctoral program after master's degree. The average length of doctoral studies is between 3 and 5 years depending on some of the factors mentioned above. Also read tips on passing LPDP scholarships.

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