Extending Gempur Operations, DJBC Optimizes Excise Revenue

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) continues to optimize excise revenues in 2024. One of them is by continuing the Gempur Operation which will be held from 7 October to 7 November.

As for Operation Gempur I Customs and Excise, 4,366 have succeeded in taking action. Therefore, it will continue this positive result in Operation Gempur II 2024. This is a commitment to reduce the level of circulation of illegal excisable goods (BKC) and optimize excise sector revenues.

Head of the Sub-Directorate for Public Relations and Customs and Counseling, Budi Prasetiyo explained that the implementation of Operation Gempur II 2024 is a commitment to overcome the circulation of illegal cigarettes and create a healthy and fair business climate.

Budi said that having a Gempur II call sign, this second operation has several main objectives, namely to help optimize excise revenues in 2024, reduce the level of circulation of illegal BKC so that it can create a conducive situation for the circulation of BKC, and anticipate the impact of rising excise rates.

"With the decline in the circulation of illegal BKCs in the market and the conducive circulation of legal BKCs, excise revenues in 2024 will be more optimal. Another positive impact is that the business climate is healthy and fair," he said in his statement, quoted on Friday, October 18.

In addition, Budi said that his party also greatly appreciated the contribution of stakeholders and the community in eradicating illegal cigarettes and compliance with applicable regulations.

"We hope this support will continue and will again assist us in optimizing the implementation of Operation Gempur II 2024," he said.

Previously, related to Operation Gempur I, which was held on July 05-31 August 2024. During the operation, Customs and Excise carried out 4,366 prosecutions with illegal cigarette products of 157.5 million sticks.

In addition to the achievements of prosecution, Budi explained that during this period his party also carried out 1,230 public communication activities in the form of socialization, radio broadcasts and other types of activities to support the optimization of these efforts.

"So we take this action to provide a determinant effect or a deterrent effect to perpetrators of violations in the field of excise. Along with us, we also hold socialization and public communication to provide information and increase entrepreneur compliance in the field of excise," he explained.