Millions Of Content Has Been Blocked, But RI's Online Judi Transactions Still Reach Rp600 Trillion

JAKARTA - Based on data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), from 2017 to September 2024, online gambling transactions in Indonesia have reached more than Rp600 trillion.

Even so, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information continue to take precautions upstream, and has succeeded in breaking 4,760,755 online gambling access content in the same period.

In addition, Kominfo has handled around 72,000 online gambling content inserted on the website of government institutions and the world of education, and sent applications for blocking 7,599 bank accounts related to online gambling to OJK.

"Fourth, the application for blocking 573 e-wallet accounts including 16 Gopay accounts related to online gambling to Bank Indonesia," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi at the Public Discussion "GoPay Warns Online Gambling, Realizing a Safe Digital Financial Ecosystem Judi Pasti Rugi" Thursday, October 17th.

Budi also explained that Kominfo has carried out various ways together with several other parties to prevent people from being trapped in these activities, one of which is by providing literacy on finances.

Based on the results of a national survey conducted by the Financial Services Authority or OJK, the public financial literacy index has experienced an upward trend over the past five years, which rose from 38.03 percent in 2019 to 49.68 percent in 2022 and rose again to 65.43 percent in 2024.

"So if there are only 65 percent of Indonesia's 2/3 people who are digitally literate, there are approximately 1/3 of the people that we must continue to be well literate," he added.

Budi Arie also explained that the role of e-wallet parties such as GoTo is needed to prevent transactions on their platforms. One of them is the application of E-KYC or electronic Know Your Customer and complaint channels with the provisions of personal data protection.