DPR Officially Approves Herindra As Candidate For Head Of New BIN, Puan Appreciates Budi Gunawan

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives officially approved Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Muhammad Herindra as a candidate for the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (KaBIN) replacing Budi Gunawan in today's Plenary Meeting. The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, also expressed his appreciation for Budi Gunawan's performance during his time as Head of BIN.

The approval was taken at the DPR Plenary Meeting regarding considerations for the dismissal and appointment of the Head of BIN to be held at Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, October 17.

While chairing the Plenary Meeting, Puan was accompanied by Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Adies Kadir, Saan Mustopa, and Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal.

"By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, allow us as the leadership of the council to open the 4th DPR RI Plenary Meeting for the first trial period for the 2024-2025 trial year, Thursday 17 October 2024 and we declare that it is open and open to the public," said Puan, opening the Plenary Meeting.

Today's Plenary Meeting has an agenda, namely the DPR RI Team Report on the Granting of Considerations for Dismissal and Appointment of Head of BIN on the Results of Discussion on Consideration of Dismissal and Appointment of Head of BIN. Based on the provisions of Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence, KaBIN was appointed and dismissed by the President after receiving DPR considerations.

The DPR, through a team containing the leadership of the DPR and the leadership of the faction, has carried out a fit and proper test or fit and proper test against Herindra on Wednesday, October 16. As a result, Herindra, who is currently still serving as Deputy Minister of Defense (Wamenhan), is considered worthy of replacing Budi Gunawan as Head of BIN.

The fit and proper test results report against Herindra was read by Sufmi Dasco as Deputy Chairman of the DPR Coordinator for Political and Human Rights.

"That the candidate for the Head of BIN, Brother Muhammad Herindra, deserves to be the Head of BIN to replace Brother Budi Gunawan. Furthermore, the decision of the DPR RI Team was reported at today's plenary meeting in accordance with the decision of the dpr leadership consultation meeting with the factions on October 14, 2024," Dasco said to applause from the members of the council.

After the report on the results of the fit and proper test was read, Puan then asked for approval from members of the DPR.

"Is it the report of the DPR RI Team that decides that Brother Muhammad Herindra is worthy as Head of the State Intelligence Agency to replace Brother Budi Gunawan, can it be approved?" asked the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"Agreed!" The answer of the council members simultaneously followed by Puan's hammering sign of ratification of the decision.

Herindra, who was present at the DPR Plenary Meeting, was founded when his name was summoned after the ratification of the results of the fit and proper test.

Puan then congratulated Herindra as a candidate for KaBIN. He also gave a message to the former Danjen Kopassus.

"The leadership of the Council congratulates the Candidate for the Head of the State Intelligence Agency, hopefully it can carry out the functions and activities of state intelligence with full responsibility, professionalism and integrity," said Puan.

Furthermore, the first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives gave her appreciation to Budi Gunawan for her performance. Puan said the DPR was grateful for Budi Gunawan's dedication during his time as Head of BIN.

"Leaders and members of the Council also express their highest appreciation and appreciation and gratitude to the General of the Police. (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, for his dedication and cooperation in building the professionalism of state intelligence and extraordinary contributions in maintaining national security stability," he said.

The considerations from the DPR were made after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) sent Presidential Letter Number R-51/Pres/10/2024 dated October 10, 2024 regarding the Application for Consideration for Dismissal and Appointment of the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

In his letter, Jokowi only included one name to replace Budi Gunawan alias the sole candidate for Head of BIN, namely Herindra. Later, Herindra will be sworn in by Prabowo Subianto after Prabowo officially becomes president. Prabowo will be sworn in as President on October 20.