KY Hopes Sunarto Chairman Of The New Supreme Court Returns Public Trust In Perdilan

JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) hopes that the leadership of the elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) for the 2024-2029 period Sunarto can bring about a good change in realizing the vision of the Supreme Court to become a Supreme Court.

KY also hopes that the new chairman of the Supreme Court can increase synergy and collaboration in order to be able to provide hope for justice seekers. It is believed that Sunarto's work is able to restore public confidence in the world of justice.

"I congratulate and am proud of the election of His Majesty Sunarto as Chair of the 2024'2029 Supreme Court replacing M. Syarifuddin. I congratulate you on working for the progress of the Supreme Court," said KY Chairman Amzulian Rifai in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, October 17, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, member and spokesman for KY Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata hopes that the elected chairman of the Supreme Court can increase the synergy between MA and KY in realizing a clean, credible, and public trust.

"As MA's main partner, KY hopes that His Excellency Prof. Sunarto can carry out his mandate well," said Mukti.

Sunarto was elected as Chairman of the Supreme Court replacing M. Syarifuddin based on the results of the vote at the Special Plenary Session for the Election of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the MA Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 16.

He won a landslide victory by gaining a total of 30 votes. Sunarto outperformed three other Supreme Court justices who ran, namely Haswandi who received four votes, Soesilo (one voice), and Yulius (seven votes).

In his inaugural speech after being appointed as chairman of the elected Supreme Court, Sunarto highlighted the importance of public trust and appealed to every leader within the Supreme Court to maintain the trust that has been given by the community.

"Because after all, no matter how good the decision we give, without the trust of a justice seeker, it will be in vain," he said.

Sunarto also emphasized the importance of the merit system and the welfare of judges. Iao is committed to continuing to carry out consistent promotions and meritocracy-based mutations.

"We will continue to carry out merit system-based promotions and mutations consistently. In addition, there is also a transparent and accountable recruitment pattern for every leader in the entire environment in the judiciary," he said.

On the other hand, Sunarto said that the services that have been provided optimally by judicial personnel so far have not been accompanied by adequate welfare.

Therefore, he believes that it is necessary to increase the ceiling in the list of budget implementation (DIPA) and the independent budget.

"With sufficient budget, it can improve the welfare of our judges and apparatus," he added.