The Sujiwo-Sukiryanto Pair Wins In The West Kalimantan Kubu Raya Pilkada Survey

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Study Institute (LKPI) released the results of a survey related to the electoral level of the three pairs of candidates (paslon) for the Regent and Deputy Regent in the Kubu Raya Regional Election, West Kalimantan. The survey results show that the Sujiwo-Sukiriyanto pair is superior to the other two Paslons.

"The survey results in the open question simulation show that the choice of 'top of mind' for candidate pair number 02, Sujiwo-Sukiryanto, is superior to the other two pairs of candidates, with an electability of 40.5 percent," said LKPI Executive Director, Togu Lubis in his statement, Thursday, October 17.

Then candidate pair number 03, Rusman Ali-Muhammad Fachri, took second place by recording electability of 26.6 percent. Followed by pair number 01, Rosalina-Marijan, in third place with electability of 20.1 percent.

"Meanwhile, around 13.8 percent of respondents admitted that they did not know or did not provide answers regarding their choice," continued Togu.

While in the electability test for the three pairs of candidates with closed-question simulations, assisted by a ballot card by displaying pictures and names of the three pairs of candidates, it shows that pair number 02, Sujiwo-Sukiryanto, was selected at 42.8 percent.

In second place, pair number 03, Rusman Ali-Muhammad Fachri, received 32.2 percent support, and in third place, pair number 01, Rosalina-Marijan, was chosen at 22.7 percent. As many as 2.3 percent of respondents did not provide a choice.

Togu explained, in a survey of the level of introduction and public acceptance of the three pairs of candidates, it shows that the three pairs of candidates have a relatively balanced level of recognition.

"The candidate pair number 01, Rosalina-Marijan, is known to 70.7 percent of the people of Kubu Raya. The Sujiwo-Sukiryanto (Paslon 02) pair is known to 75.8 percent of the people of Kubu Raya, while the Rusman Ali-Muhammad Fachri (Paslon 03) pair is known to 72.6 percent of the people of Kubu Raya," said Togu.

However, continued Togu, in terms of the level of public acceptance or preference for candidate pairs, Rosalina-Marijan only received 47.3 percent support. The Sujiwo-Sukiryanto pair reached 70.3 percent, while the Rusman Ali-Muhammad Fachri pair received 58.4 percent.

The survey results also show the possibility of voters changing their choice. As many as 83.7 percent of respondents stated that the possibility to change their choice was very small, while 16.7 percent stated that the possibility was quite high.

According to Togu, the strong electoral attraction of the Sujiwo-Sukiryanto pair can be explained by the existence of Sujiwo as the former Deputy Regent of Kubu Raya, and is a member of the DPD RI 2019-2024, very popular in West Kalimantan.

"The majority of the public knows that during his tenure, he never took his salary, but handed it back to the community to be managed for their sake," explained Togu.

This survey was conducted on September 30, October-10, involving 1,300 respondents who were interviewed face-to-face. The respondents chosen are all residents of Kubu Raya Regency who have the right to vote.

This survey used a multistage random sampling method with a margin of error of around 2.71 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.