Newborn Baby Found In Cooking Oil Cardboard On Pekanbaru Roadside

PeKANBARU - A resident of Simpang Tiga Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City, Riau, was shocked by the discovery of a baby dumped in a roadside bushes.

The baby girl, who is estimated to be three days old, is placed in a box of cooking oil. In the cardboard box, a number of baby equipment was also found.

Bukit Raya Police Chief Kompol Syafnil said the baby was found at around 08.30 WIB in a bush on the edge of Jalan Pertambangan. The baby was first discovered by a construction worker who happened to work at the location.

"Witness Putra, who was working to hoard the road, heard the sound of a baby crying from a bush on the side of the road. After being traced, it turned out that there was a baby in a box of cooking oil," said Syafnil Thursday, October 17.

Shocked by the discovery, the witness took the baby to the camp where he worked. After informing his colleagues, then he reported the incident to the authorities.

"Currently the poor baby is being treated at the Simpang Tiga Health Center. The perpetrator of the dumping of this baby is still under investigation by the police," concluded Syafril.