Students From Aceh Create Bilih Fish Into Innovative Snacks

JAKARTA - Students of the Chemical Education Study Program from the Faculty of Teachers and Education (FKIP) Syiah Kuala University (USK) Banda Aceh managed to process bilih fish into innovative snacks named Herushi Bilih Crispy.

Through the team's creativity, we created annoying snacks from bilih fish that were able to last a long time, combined with Acehnese special spices such as curry leaves and spicy spices. This is where the Herushi Bilih Crispy product was born," said Suraiya Samadi, Chairman of the PKM-K Team, in Banda Aceh, Wednesday.

Suraiya and his team, consisting of Yulia Desinta, Wahyuni, Maulana Ulva, and Meitasya Atika Suri, developed this product as part of the Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship (PKM-K).

He explained that this product uses fresh bilih fish and is processed into crunchy snacks without reducing the original taste or nutritional content of the Padensis mystatoleucus fish.

"Our team also designs products to make them more modern and practical, so they are suitable for Acehnese souvenirs," he added.

Herushi Bilih Crispy is now marketed in a number of stores such as Almond Factory and Blang Rakal to reach a wider market. In addition, promotions are also carried out through social media.

"We have also obtained halal certification, Business Identification Number (NIB), as well as Domestic Industry Food Permit (P-IRT), which further increases consumer confidence in this product," explained Suraiya.

According to Erlidawati, as a supervisor, Herushi Bilih Crispy products are not only in demand by local consumers, but are also a choice of souvenirs for foreign buyers.

"Currently, this product is popular as a handpiece from Aceh, especially for migrants outside the region and is often brought as a provision for Umrah and Hajj travel," explained Erlidawati.

Deputy Chancellor for Student and Entrepreneurship, Mustanir, added that the development of Herushi Bilih Crispy received funding support from the Entrepreneurship Student Development Program (P2MW) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek).

"Alhamdulillah, the Herushi team also successfully passed the selection and participated in the Exppo Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) which was held at Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi," concluded Mustanir.