Central Kalimantan Gubernatorial Election Debate Can Influence Voter Preferences, Public Entangled In ASRI Paslon Version Of Online Voting

The inaugural debate between the Candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) is considered to greatly affect the preferences of prospective voters to determine future Central Kalimantan leaders.

The theme of yesterday's inaugural debate had the theme 'Improving the Welfare of the People of Central Kalimantan through a just and sustainable economy'.

Data released by Kaltengpedia through the online voting method was officially conducted by Kaltengpedia.com on October 14 or after the initial debate was held shows an early picture of people's perceptions of each candidate. The voting was followed by 2,000 respondents.

From the voting results, the Central Kalimantan Cagub and Cawagub pair number 4 Abdul Razak-Sri Suwanto (ASRI) won over three other candidate pairs with a vote of 640 or 32 percent. The second position is occupied by Agustiar Sabran-Edy Pratowo with 600 votes or 30 percent.

Meanwhile, the third place is Nadalsyah Koyem Supian Hadi with a vote of 500 or 25 percent, and Willy Yoseph-Habib Ismail in the most distended position with 260 votes or 13 percent.

According to a lecturer at the Atma Jaya Jakarta Faculty of Communications, Agustinus Eko Rahardjo, it is a natural thing for the public to respond immediately after the debate while perceiveing his political views on the candidates.

"Publics don't really like candidates who badmouth other candidates' personalities. The public is also so antipathy with statements from candidates who mock at the age of other candidates, let alone sue moral problems, while the candidate turns out to be problematic with morals. My analysis is why the public gave low values to Paslon Willy-Habib Ismail, especially in one segment of the debate, Habib made a bullying statement about the age of one of the candidates," said Agustinus.

In the eyes of the familiar man called Jojo, apart from Abdul Razak's full experience and his assistant Sri Suswanto's expertise in turning things around through a striking statement, the public also fell into pity and sympathy for candidate pair number 4 in the Governor's Election.

"The results of online voting based on the official Kaltengpedia.com website are an early picture of the choice of the people of Central Kalimantan towards the figure of hope in the midst of people's frustration with Central Kalimantan leaders who are always problematic with the law. Even though political preferences are still fluid and dynamic, at least the results of this online voting have become a reminder of all candidates, the success team and the coalition of supporting political parties to revise their campaign strategy. Ibarat barista, the Willy-Habib strategy menu is wrong in composition. Also with candidate pair Agustiar Sabran and Edy Pratowo, barista forgot to include more milk mixtures in cappunno coffee, "said Jojo, who once served as an Intermediate Expert at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) for the 2016-2019 period.