The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society Filed A Pretrial Lawsuit For 5 Stalled Cases At The Corruption Eradication Commission

JAKARTA - The decline in Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (IPK) has prompted the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) to file a pretrial against the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This lawsuit was filed for five cases that the anti-graft commission had never investigated.

"At the South Jakarta District Court, the first five pretrial hearings proposed by MAKI against the KPK are scheduled for stalled cases, both old and new, but potentially stalling", said MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman in a written statement, Monday, April 5.

The five cases that were submitted to the pretrial were cases of corruption of Century Bank, e-KTP (electronic ID card), social assistance (bansos) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Procurement of AW101 Helicopters, and Development of Malang Regent Rendra Kresna.

The pretrial against the Century Bank case was carried out because the KPK lost to the South Jakarta Court pretrial decision Number 24 of 2018.

The decision contains investigations for other names such as the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Boediono, who originated from the development of the Budi Mulya case, which must be continued by the KPK.

"But until now the KPK has not named a single suspect so the case has stalled", he said.

Meanwhile, in the case of corruption in the procurement of e-KTP, the KPK on August 13, 2019 named new suspects, namely Miryam S. Haryani, Isnu Edhi Wijaya, Husni Fahmi, and Paulus Tanos. However, this case is considered to have no progress or has been stalled for almost two years.

Next, is the corruption in the procurement of AW101 helicopters. After naming Irfan Kurnia Saleh as a suspect, now, the case is stalled for nearly four years.

Another case that is being sued by MAKI is bribery for the provision of social assistance (bansos) COVID-19. The case, which began with a hand-arrest operation (OTT), is suspected of neglecting the search permit granted by the KPK Supervisory Board.

"The pretrial was proposed at that time, including the fact that Ihsan Yunus (a member of the House of Representatives) had not been summoned by the KPK, although in the end Ihsan Yunus was summoned by the KPK, but this pretrial was not revoked because it still left problems related to KPK investigators not carrying out all search permits from the KPK Supervisory Board", Boyamin explained.

The last one is a case of gratification that caught Malang Regent Rendra Kresna. MAKI submitted a pretrial because even though the KPK had tried Rendra as the recipient of the gratitude, IK, A, and a number of other parties who were suspected givers had not been named as suspects. So, MAKI assesses that this case needs to be sued in order to prevent this case from evaporating.

"These five pretrial lawsuits were filed as an effort to restore the Anti-Corruption Perception Index which decreased in 2020 to 37 from the previous 40 years (2019)", said Boyamin.