Sandra Dewi Calls 88 Luxury Bags Endorsement Results, AGO Leaves It To The Judge

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) handed over an assessment related to the status of Sandra Dewi's luxury bag to the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor).

The statement was a response related to Sandra Dewi's statement during a witness examination hearing on Thursday (10/10) which stated that 88 of her luxury bags were confiscated in connection with her husband's indictment, Harvey Moeis, in a corruption case, were the result of endorsements or advertisements.

"This is currently being tried. Of course, every witness has the right to state what his statement is, and his statement will be judged by the panel of judges," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the AGO, Harli Siregar, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 11.

Regarding the status of confiscated goods, Harli said this was the decision of the public prosecutor. For further certainty is the judge's right to judge.

"The public prosecutor will have a stipulation because if it is confiscated, it means that the direction will be confiscated for the state," he said.

"How do the judges judge judge it? We'll see what it looks like. If it has become a booty, the status is clear, it has permanent legal force. Of course, the follow-up process will be carried out. So, it really depends on what is the decision of the court," said Harli.

Previously, Sandra Dewi, who was a witness to the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the PT Timah Mining Business License (IUP) region in 2015 '2022, said that as many as 88 of his luxury bags were endorsed.

As for the indictment, Harvey is suspected of committing money laundering (TPPU) from money from tin corruption by transferring to Sandra Dewi's account for Sandra Dewi's personal needs, among others, the purchase of 88 luxury and branded bags.

"My husband never bought me a luxury bag because he already knew that I was able to get the bags from the endorsement," said Sandra.

Sandra Dewi admitted that she has started to open endorsement services since 2012 by selling her name as a famous artist to promote various luxury and branded bags.

Sandra Dewi said the luxury and branded bags came from endorsements totaling more than 88 bags during the 10 years of opening endorsement services. However, several other luxury bags were sold because they were not used.