The Aspiration Agency Can Become The DPR's Democracy Storefront To Answer People's Sceptic Feelings

JAKARTA - The DPR plans to add equipment for the council (AKD) by forming an Aspiration Body. The DPR's move is considered an effort to make parliament more modern as well as a form of democratic storefronts.

"The Aspiration Agency can become a showcase for DPR democracy in responding to public skepticism who considers the DPR to be just a policy stamp," said Political Communication Observer Ari Junaedi, Thursday, October 10.

According to Ari, this Aspiration Body is a parameter for the DPR in carrying out reforms that are expected by the people.

"The birth of the DPR's Aspiration Body can also be a parameter to what extent the DPR has transformed itself into an institution that the people expect," said Ari.

The Director of the Political Studies Institute, Nusakom Pratama, also hopes that the Aspiration Body can later be filled by members of the DPR who have advantages in the field of communication. Because, said Ari, this agency is intended to accommodate the aspirations of the community so that a good communication approach is needed.

"I hope that the Aspiration Body will be filled by a member of the council who can communicate well and can channel the aspirations received from the community to interested parties," he said.

According to the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, the Aspiration Body that will be formed is not only to facilitate people who hold demonstrations in front of the DPR building, but also to accommodate all forms of aspirations conveyed by the people.

Later, the Aspiration Agency will submit public complaints to each DPR commission in accordance with the work sector related to the issues raised by the people. The Commission in the DPR will then channel the aspirations of the community to the Government through ministry/institution work partners in accordance with the issue of the aspirations of the community to then find a common solution.

"With such an approach, the DPR's Aspiration Body is a form of transparency and good modern legislative," explained Ari.

"Because the Aspiration Body can be the foundation of the aspirations of the people which are implemented in the representation of a body in the DPR," continued the teacher of the Masters of Political Communication at several universities.

On the other hand, the DPR also plans to add commissions considering the possibility of adding a ministerial post in the elected Presidential government, Prabowo Subianto. According to Ari, the addition of AKD to adapt the structure of the AKD to the nomenclature of the new government under Prabowo Subianto who will be sworn in on October 20 is the right step.

"The addition of AKD and commissions is in line with the dynamics of a new government that will bring structural changes in the cabinet," said Ari.

Ari said that the formation of a new commission was to increase the effectiveness and productivity of legislative performance. With the addition of ministries/agencies in the Prabowo government later, the DPR also requires adjustments.

"The DPR RI cannot work in the old structure if there is a significant change in the formation of the ministry," he said.

Ari further said that the addition of commissions in the DPR was not only a form of responsiveness to changes in the executive structure, but also allowed the DPR to work more focused on more complex areas.

"The DPR must have a flexible and dynamic structure in adjusting to the demands of the times. So that the three functions of the DPR, namely legislation, supervision, and budget, can run optimally in the interests of the people," explained Ari.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, revealed that the Aspiration Body would be a forum for the council in accommodating the aspirations of the people.

"This DPR is indeed a people's house, so this Aspirational Body is to accommodate the aspirations of the people. The voice of the people must be heard, we will have one body that will handle the aspirations of the people later," said Cucun, Tuesday (8/10).

Cucun explained that this Aspiration Body was not only to facilitate people who held demonstrations in front of the DPR building, but also to accommodate all forms of aspirations conveyed by the people.

"Not only related to demonstrations, for example there are complaints below such as victims of the land mafia, victims of borrowing, victims of judol, or others such as victims of injustice from law enforcers, the people can complain at the agency," explained the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

Later, the Aspiration Agency will submit public complaints to each DPR commission in accordance with the work sector related to the issues raised by the people. Then each commission will bring the aspirations of the community in a working meeting with the Government (ministerial/institution) which is their working partner to find a common solution to this problem.

"When it comes to the law, it will be given to Commission III, when it comes to government, we will submit it to Commission II. For example, regarding Indonesian migrant workers who are outside of problems, their families complain how many years they can't meet, we give it to Commission IX who handles employment, please handle it, "said Cucun.

"Because this is a people's house that must facilitate the common ground of the people with the leading sector in this republic," he added.