National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo: Easter Celebration In Indonesia Runs Safely

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the series of Easter celebrations in the country ran safely and smoothly, even though previously there had been acts of terrorism in Makassar and attacks at Police Headquarters.

"Thank God, Praise God from the whole series of activities, everything went safely and smoothly", said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, when checking security conditions at the Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI) on Jalan Fatmawati, South Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 4.

According to him, the National Army (TNI) and the National Police Force (Polri) continued to carry out security from each series of Easter from Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve until the climax of Easter.

Even so, the TNI and Polri will continue to carry out escort and security until the entire series of worship is over.

For that, he urged the congregation not to worry because the TNI and Polri provide a sense of security.

"Therefore, there is no need to worry and we hope that the entire series of celebrations can run smoothly and solemnly", added the four-star General.

The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo arrived at GBI Fatmawati at around 17.00 p.m. local time.

The arrival of the Polri leader was to check the security conditions at the Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI) on Jalan Fatmawati, South Jakarta.

He was then greeted by the local church committee and immediately entered the church for about 15 minutes.

The Head of Regional Police (Polda Metro Jaya), Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran, and Head of South Jakarta Metro Police, Senior Commissioner Azis Andriansyah, attended the visit.