Entrepreneurs Call CSE Asia 2024 Will Strengthen Trade Of Made In Indonesia Products

JAKARTA - Asean Tourism, Trade and Economy Council (ATEC) in collaboration with the Hongkong Global Convention & Exhibition Group (HKGEC) will hold a Consumer Sourcing Expo (CSE Asia) 2024 at ICE BSD City on November 14-16, 2024.

This is done as an effort to strengthen product trade in Asia and ASEAN.

Chairman of the ATC and Chairman of Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah said this exhibition is an important platform for industry players to explore wider market opportunities and strengthen Asian product trade, especially Indonesia around the world.

"CSE Asia 2024 can be one of the exhibitions that encourages the strengthening of Asian trade and brand positions in the international market," Budihardjo said at a press conference at ICE BSD, Tangerang Regency, Wednesday, October 9.

Budihardjo assessed that this exhibition could also be an important educational forum for business actors to understand the official import process and various applicable regulations.

The reason is, there will be an educational session regarding official imports by presenting speakers from the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), Customs and Excise as well as other relevant agencies.

"We expect imports entering Indonesia to be official and legal products," he said.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) Hilmi Adrianto welcomed the holding of this exhibition. He said, CSE Asia 2024 is a great opportunity to get to know more about the latest innovations and technologies from producers while strengthening business and trade ecosystems in the Asian region.

"As an Indonesian e-commerce association, we invite business people, local entrepreneurs and distributors to attend and explore opportunities for strategic partnerships offered by suppliers and manufacturers to create healthy trade through online business," he said.

The 2024 CSE Asia will feature a variety of leading products from well-known suppliers and manufacturers in China. This exhibition will include a variety of products, ranging from fashion approaches, home & gigs decorations, consumer electronics to home applications.

The exhibition will also discuss how digitization, including the use of the internet and e-commerce, can be an effective channel for selling official goods and introducing products to global consumers.

At CSE Asia 2024, entrepreneurs will be given guidance on how to manage online sales in accordance with international quality regulations and standards, so that Asian products can compete in the global market.

Not only that, the CSE Asia 2024 exhibition will also hold a business matching session, where participants can meet directly with potential business partners according to their business profile and needs.